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Friday, March 18, 2011

Tim Appleton, co-organiser of The British Birdwatching Fair (Birdfair) visited Estonia

Photo: Tim Appleton / David Hasell

Tim Appleton - co-organiser of the world’s most reputed birdwatching fair, known by most people simply as The Birdfair - visited Estonia last week for a short vacation. The aim of Tim and his friends’ vacation was to see wintering in Estonia, but relatively rare in Europe, the Steller's Eider. They watched birds at Läane County and at Saaremaa and despite the bad weather conditions saw Steller's Eider, Three-toed Woodpecker, Pygmy Owl, Black Woodpecker, Nutcracker, tens of White-tailed Eagles, Snow Buntings, Waxwings, as well as Elk, Roe Deer, foxes and many other interesting species. Red Kite who is a rare vagrant in Estonia, was observed
as well. They saw more than 60 bird species in four days here.

Photo: Black Woodpecker / Musträhn / Tarvo Valker

Beside the birdwatching our wintery weather also offered excitement - snowy and icy roads were an interesting experience for many. They were very satisfied with Estonian Nature Tours organization and Tarvo Valker’s guide service. As usual, they were surprised by the good level of our accommodation and catering. Tim and his friends will definitely come back to Estonia at warmer times.

Photo: Eight in a row / Kaheksa rivis / David Hasell

Tim Appleton said that the Birdfair is also the world's largest ecotoursim fair. In addition to very good tour guide services, Tim also respects the involvement of local community in tourism services. Estonian Nature Tours will always offer our customers the opportunity to eat freshly prepared authentic Estonian food at local farms or a scenic picnic. Such an experience has been an undisputed gem of our trips and it was during this trip with Tim as well.

Photo: Birdwatching / Linnuvaatlus / David Hasell

Estonian Nature Tours has visited the Birdfair from the year 2003 and the last 3 years we participated at the fair with our stand. Here we have been able to show people what Estonia is like in terms of the habitats and wildlife as well as what our roads, hiking trails, hides and towers are like and show people our products.

Interview with Tim Appleton in Postimees newspaper
Interview translation by Estonian Nature Tours
Client comments from year 2003
Our philosophy

Birdfairi peakorraldaja Tim Appleton külastas Eestit

Möödunud nädalal viibis Eestis lühiajalisel puhkusel maailma mainekaima linnuturismimessi Birdfair peakorraldaja Tim Appleton. Timi ja ta sõprade puhkusereisi eesmärgiks oli ära näha meil talvituv, kuid Euroopas võrdlemisi haruldane kirjuhahk. Linde vaadeldi Läänemaal ja Saaremaal. Vaatamata halbadele ilmaoludele presenteerisid end hästi kirjuhahk, laanerähn, musträhn, värbkakk, mänsak, kümned merikotkad, hangelinnud, siidisabad aga ka põdrad, metskitsed, rebased jpt. huvitavad liigid. Muuhulgas kohati ka Eestis eksikülalisena esinevat puna-harksaba. Kokku kohati nelja päeva jooksul üle 60 linnuliigi.

Intervjuu Tim Appletoniga Postimehes

Photo: Three-toed Woodpecker / Laanerähn / Tarvo Valker

Linnuvaatluse kõrval pakkus elevust ka meie talvine ilm, lumes ja jäistel teedel ukerdamine oli paljudele huvitav kogemus. Estonian Nature Toursi korralduse ja Tarvo Valkeri giiditeenusega jäädi väga rahule. Nagu ikka, oldi üllatunud meie majutuskohtade ja toiltustamise heast tasemest. Tim ja ta sõbrad tulevad kindlasti tagasi soojemal ajal.

Photo: The View / Vaade / David Hasell

Birdfair on Tim Appletoni sõnul ühtlasi ka maailma suurim ökoturismimess. Tim peab lisaks heale giiditeenusele väga lugu ka kohaliku kogukonna kaasamisest turismiteenustesse. Estonian Nature Tours pakub alati oma klientidele võimalust süüa värskelt valmistatud ehedat Eesti toitu kohalikus talus või looduskaunil piknikuplatsil. Selline elamus on olnud vaieldamatult pärliks meie reisidele ja oli seda ka nüüd.

Photo: Lunch / Lõuna / David Hassell

Estonian Nature Tours on külastanud Birdfairi juba 2003.a. alates, viimased 3 aastat oleme messil osalenud oma ständiga. Messitöö ei ole kunagi piirdunud vaid enda toodete tutvustamisega, palju olulisem on olnud selgitada külastajatele, millised loodusväärtused on Eestis olemas ning millised on meie teed, matkarajad ja vaatetornid.

Robin Macdonald - Snow scene Saaremaa, oil on board / Robin Macdonald - Lumine Saaremaa, õlimaal

Klientide kommentaare alates aastast 2003 saab lugeda siin

Meie filosoofia

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