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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Rahulikke jõule ja õnnelikku uut aastat!

We’ll give you a photo-gallery for Christmas, click here to see it...

Santa’s helpers hurry-scurry out there. Have a look...
Today, at 7:29 winter began. Trees and ground are covered with frost, but still no snow. Whooper Swans are still here and there has seldom been so vast a December flood in the floodplain of the River Kasari (Matsalu National Park). Usually you can enjoy such a view in early April!

Nature is playing tricks and it happens also in Estonia, although here it is unbelievably lovely. It is cosy and safe in Estonia. We have four seasons, plenty of space and quietness and unspoiled nature. Although it takes no more than a few hours to drive from one end of Estonia to another, no matter in which direction, you realize - when you are once there - that it takes more than a couple of days to wander around locally. Swamps and bogs, floodplains and sea-shore meadows, old-growth forests and reed-beds, sea and coastal dunes, Northern and Western klint, a multitude of small islets in the West and hill country in the South – so much surprise and variability our small country has to offer.

One more thing that makes Estonia really special: these are people who care about their assets and give their best to preserve this wealth for their descendants. Nature conservation in Estonia is motivated and strong.

For many years I have had the opportunity to bring people closer to nature and to do so has been a real honour and privilege. Exploring new species and habitats together only nourishes the pleasure in my heart.

Hereby I’d like to express my gratitude to each and every client (also to all the intended ones) for helping me to open my eyes and my heart and teaching me to be proud of my country!

On behalf of the Estonian Nature Tours´ team
Marika Mann

Rahulikke jõule ja õnnelikku uut aastat!

Kingime teile jõuludeks pildigalerii, seda näed siit...

Päkapikud sebivad ringi. Vaata...

Täna hommikul kell 7.29 algas talv. Õues on puud ja maapind härmatanud, kuid lund pole ikka veel. Laululuiged alles rändavad ja üleujutus Kasari luhas (Matsalu rahvuspargis) pole kunagi enne nii suur olnud detsembrikuus. Tavaliselt saab sellist vaatepilti nautida aprilli alguses.

Loodus teeb trikke ka Eestimaal, kuid siin on see ütlemata armas. Eestis on mõnus ja turvaline elada. Meil on neli aastaaega, palju ruumi ja vaikust ning rikkumata loodust. Kuigi läänest itta ja põhjast lõunasse sõitmiseks kulub vaid mõni tund, mõistad kohapeal ringi liikudes, et isegi mõnest päevast jääb väheks. Sood ja rabad, luhad ja rannaniidud, ürgmetsad ning roostikud, meri ja liivarannad, pankrannik põhjas, rohkesti väikesaari läänes ning kuppelmaastik lõunas – nii palju erinevat ja rohkesti üllatusi on sel väikeriigil pakkuda.

On veel üks asi, mis Eesti eriliseks teeb. Paljud inimesed hoolivad sellest, mis meil on ja üritavad oma tegevusega neid rikkusi ka järeltulevatele põlvedele säilitada. Eestis on looduskaitsel tugev jõud.

Juba aastaid on mul olnud võimalus tuua inimesi loodusele lähemale ning see on olnud väga suur rõõm ja au. Üheskoos uusi liike ja elupaiku avastades hea tunne südames ainult suureneb.

Suur tänu kõigile partneritele ja klientidele (ka tulevastele), kes te olete aidanud mul silmi ning südant avada ja õpetanud oma maa üle uhkust tundma!

Estonian Nature Tours´i nimel

Marika Mann

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Wildlife Photography Tour to Estonia

A new and exciting trip for 2012, this photo tour combines specialist photographic tuition and expert wildlife guiding through the skills and knowledge of both noted professional wildlife photographer from UK, Neil Aldridge, and leading Estonian photographer Remo Savisaar. The trip runs from the 26th of May to the 3rd of June 2012. I hope you will join us!
Read the full itinerary...

Make a booking here...

Photo: Neil Aldridge

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Your Guides

Neil Aldridge is an award-winning photojournalist and professional wildlife guide. Neil's photography has been celebrated in the winning portfolio of the international Wildlife Photographer of the Year and he is a British Wildlife Photography Awards winner. He is a published author and his work is seen widely in publications such as BBC Wildlife Magazine. Neil's photography experience, knowledge of wildlife and professional field guiding qualifications make him ideally suited to assisting others in photographing and experiencing wildlife and wild places. Neil leads wildlife photography trips in Europe and Africa.

Photo: Neil Aldridge

Photo: Neil Aldridge

Photo: Neil Aldridge

Remo Savisaar is one of Estonia's leading wildlife photographers. Remo was attracted to the nature around him at an early age and has been passionate about nature photography for the past seven years. His award-winning photographs have received recognition at international level. Remo is also a Grand Prize winner of Estonian Nature photo contest 2011. He has held numerous exhibitions and his work has been published in books and in magazines, including National Geographic. His knowledge of photography and eye for a good photograph has meant that he has also been a member of the jury of several photo contests. This makes Remo well suited to helping others see and take that winning photograph.

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Photo: Remo Savisaar

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kinkekaardid viivad Sind loodusesse!

Hea loodusesõber!

Kingi oma sõbrale, armsamale, koostööpartnerile või kliendile jõuludeks elamus Eestimaa kaunis looduses aastal 2012.

Kas oled kunagi viibinud looduses siis, kui teised alles magavad? Kas oled kuulnud hundi ulgumist või kohtunud karuga sügavas laanes? Kas oled kuulanud vaikust või viibinud romantilisel paadiretkel roostikus?

Saadaval on kolm erinevat kinkekaarti:

Kinkekaardid väärtusega 40 € ja 70 €. Nende kinkekaartide omanik saab valida meie plaaniliste retkede seast endale sobiva. Kinkekaardid kehtivad kuni 29.09.2012. Palume kindlasti teha eelbroneering.

Kinkekaart väärtusega 280 € (Romatikapakett 2-le “Öös on hääli“). Selle kinkekaardi omanikud saavad osaleda romantikaretkel endale sobival ajal. Eelbroneering on ka siin vajalik. Kinkekaart kehtib kuni 17.06.2012. Tutvu paketiga siin...

Lisainfo ja broneerimine: kirjuta info@naturetours.ee või helista +372 5349 6695

Plaanilised retked (klikka retke nimele):

Saagem tuttavaks metsakanadega... 14.04 / 21.04
Linnukevad Matsalus 12.05 / 19.05
Karuvaatlus Alutagusel 5.-6.05 / 12.-13.05 / 19.-20.05 / 26.-27.05 / 2.-3.06 / 9.-10.06 / 16.-17.06
Kopra pildistamine 5.05 / 19.05 / 9.06 / 7.07
Ööhääled roostikus 26.05
Lendorava retk 17.06 / 8.07 / 29.07
Värviline Osmussaar 7.07 / 28.07
Kured läinud, kurjad ilmad... 14.09 / 15.09 / 16.09

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Loodusturismiseminar 9. detsember 2011

Toimumisaeg: 9.detsember 2011
Koht: Matsalu Looduskeskus (Penijõe mõis, Lihula vald, Läänemaa)

Seminari läbivad teemad: kohalik toit, koostöö ja turundus

10.45 – 11.00 Saabumine, kohv ja suupisted

11.00 – 11.10 Avasõnad. Nele Sõber / „Parks & Benefits“ projektijuht

11.10 – 11.40 Matsalu Rahvuspargi kaitse-eeskirja ja kaitsekorralduskava seotus turismiga. Anni Kurisman / Keskkonnaameti Hiiu-Lääne-Saare regiooni kaitseplaneerimise spetsialist

11.40 – 12.00 Rahvusparkide töörühm Eestis. Mis see on? Krista Kallavus / Keskkonnaameti Hiiu-Lääne-Saare regiooni kultuuripärandi spetsialist

12.00 – 12.30 RMK külastuskorraldus Matsalu rahvuspargis. Marju Pajumets / RMK Lääne-Eesti piirkonna külastusjuht

12.30 – 12.50 RMK külastajaseire. Matsalu rahvuspargi ja üle-eestiliste andmete võrdlus. Marju Pajumets / RMK Lääne-Eesti piirkonna külastusjuht

12.50 – 13.30 Lõunasöök

13.30 – 15.00 Internetiturundus Estravelis – kanalid, mõõdikud, näited. Anu Vane / Estravel reisibüroo digitaalturunduse spetsialist

15.00 – 15.45 Kvaliteetne toit turundab turismitalu. Polli Talu kogemus. Marika Blossfeldt, USA / Coach. Author. Speaker. Ettekanne Skype´i vahendusel. Marika Blossfeldt´i koostatud tervisliku toidu raamat „Essential Nourishment“ on maineka ülemaailmse kokaraamatute auhinna „Best in the World 2011“ nominent.

15.45 – Käsitöö ja kohalik toit on piirkonna kaubamärgid. Saaremaa koostöökogemus. Jaanika Rikko / MTÜ Saaremaa Vill juhatuse liige;
Rahvusvahelise projekti Know Sheep (tunne lammast) Saaremaa projektijuht

Seminari korraldab ja modereerib Marika Mann / Estonian Nature Tours, tegevjuht.

Seminari rahastab Keskkonnaamet „Parks & Benefits“ projekti raames.

Seoses toitlustamisega on vajalik eelregistreerimine (nele@lihula.ee, 5142992).

NB! Iga osaleja võta kaasa mingi omatehtud käsitöö, suveniir või toit, mida raatsid loosimisele panna ja siis loosime päeva lõpus need omavahel välja. Kes ei too, see ei saa loosimisel osaleda :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cooperation with the Local Community

Estonian Nature Tours considers cooperation with the local community an essential part of organizing nature trips. Lunch at a gourmet restaurant cannot compare to the immediate experience that guests have when tasting homemade foods, conversing with the locals at a farm picnic or buying handicrafts and farm products. This creates a much more relaxed and enjoyable experience and a feeling that we and our guests have been able to give something back to the people of the land, by making a real connection and truly appreciating them. And everybody involved is left with warm feelings in their hearts.

Photo: Marcus Becker

Photo: Nadine Herrmann

One of our partners, Marika Blossfeldt, director of Polli Talu Arts Center in Rame küla, has made a name for herself as a natural foods chef. She makes sure all food served to her guests is made from fresh local produce, some of which she grows herself in her garden and some of which she shops for at the farmer’s market.

Photo: Jaan Heinmaa

Photo: Jaan Heinmaa

She believes eating natural foods that have not been processed in factories, deliver the most life force, nutrients as well as flavor. There is nothing more pleasurable than eating herbs, lettuces or vegetables that just an hour before were harvested from the garden. After eating these delicious natural foods one feels completely satisfied, energized and uplifted. The body literally feels happy and so does the soul and heart. Marika’s recipes are simple and down to earth – allowing you to fall in love with each ingredient. For those of you who would like to sample her food prior to a trip to Estonia, she has written a beautifully designed cookbook illustrated with gorgeous photos all taken at her farm featuring easy to recreate natural foods recipes that are sure to awaken your taste buds.

Photo: Jaan Heinmaa

Photo: Jaan Heinmaa

ESSENTIAL NOURISHMENT, Recipes from My Estonian Farm is available on Amazon in Europe and the USA as well as on Marika’s website at www.MarikaB.com/book
Please visit her book’s page on www.facebook.com/EssentialNourishment

For more information on the activities at Polli Talu Arts Center visit www.pollitalu.wordpress.com and www.facebook.com/PolliTalu

Photo: Marika Blossfeldt

Photo: Marika Blossfeldt

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Eesti köögi tutvustamine

Peame oma loodusreiside korraldamisel väga oluliseks koostööd kohaliku kogukonnaga. Vahetu kogemus, mille külastaja saab ehedal talupiknikul maainimesega juttu ajades ja temalt käsitööd või aiasaadusi ostes, ei ole võrreldav ühegi gurmeerestorani lõunaga. Seepärast kutsume Teid üles osalema rahvuskööki iseloomustavate roogade tooteesitlustel. Loe tutvustust allpool:

Maarjamaad on tähele pandud. Olgugi et Eesti on tibatillukene ja suure ilma mõõtkavas mikroskoopilise majandusväärtusega.

Meie, eestlased, saavutame tähelepanu sestpeale kui suudame olla mitte ainult sõbralikult avatud, vaid sealjuures ka meeldivalt meelde jääda.

See on meie ülemaailmseks märkamiseks ilmtingimata tarvilik, kuid ilmselgelt mitte piisav - aga kas on võimalik armastusväärselt meelde sööbida?

Kuidas saavutada usaldusväärsus ja maandada risk, et äritegevusele ruumi teha?

Kuidas oleks kui prooviks rahvusliku köögi kaudu? Meie oma rahvusliku maitse esitlemise kaudu!

Nüüdsest pole vaja enam unistada välismaa rahvaste maitsemeelte vallutamisest - seekord me oleme otse kutsutud seda tegema...

Eesti Konkurentsieeliste Konverentsisarja raames korraldavad Libertas Instituut MTÜ, meie rahvuskööki iseloomustavate roogade praktilised tooteesitlusi võimaldavad üritused neile, kes sooviksid pakkuda oma retsepti järgi valmistatud rahvusliku aktsendiga toitu tutvustamiseks välismaa klientidele.

Esitlusele tuleva rahvusliku aktsendiga roa loomise eelduseks on, et Teie esitatud retsept valituks asjatundjate poolt, misjärel peaksite olema valmis esitlema Eesti rahvusliku kööki esindava roa valmistamist ise(inglise keeles).

Osalema on teretulnud kõik - nii asjaarmastajad kui profikokad, nii kodused turismiköögid kui restorani-köögid. Meie üritus ei ole ainult niiöelda eliidi või tippkokkade asi. Me otsime autentset Eesti köögi rahvusliku maitse ainuomast sähvatust...

Esitlemiseks valitud rahvusliku köögi sugemetega roa osisained võiksid olla võimalikult lihtsad, roog ise lihtsalt valmistatav ning selle valmistamise õpetamine samuti vähemalt niipalju lihtsalt arusaadav, et see innustaks võõramaalasest huvilist sellise toidu valmistamist ise proovima. (Iga osavõtja võib välja pakkuda 2-3 rooga - rohkemaks ei ole esitlusel aega.)

Tulemus peaks olema mugavalt ning käepäraselt söödav. Ärge ainult ajage pakutavat rooga liiga keeruliseks.

...ja siis - kellegi jaoks Teie hulgast võib osaks saada pakutava rahvusroa välisesitlus "Taste Award 2012" üritusel Ameerika Ühendriikides - ei vähem ega rohkem kui kõikide maailma staaride mekas Hollywoodis!

Eestis esitatud road ei võistle - me saame oma kööki tutvustada.

"Taste Award 2012" auhindade hulgas on nädalane tutvumisreis Eesti rahvusliku köögiga ühenädalase tutvumisreisi kujul Eestisse.

Ootame julget pealehakkamist Eesti köögikultuuri ja rahvuslike roogade tutvustamiseks kõikidele maitsemeeltele, mis suures ilmas leida on

Huvilistel paluvad korraldajad registreerida osavõtt ja küsida lähemalt lisainfot:

Aarne Toomsalu, Libertas Instituut, Sünergia üksus
(aarnetoomsalu@gmail.com ; telefon: 8802869)

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Winners of the Questionnaire in British Birdfair 2011

For the first time Estonian Nature Tours offered a possibility to win a dream wildlife holiday to Estonia in British Birdfair 2011 and on our webpage as well.

Estonian Nature Tours wishes to thank everyone who completed our questionnaire and took part in the prize draw.

We are delighted to announce the winners:

Grand Prize: Birdwatching holiday Estonia in Spring. Price 1150 € - Mr
Lot 1: Beaver photography. Price 180 € - Mr Brink
Lot 2: Flying Squirrel Study trip (1). Price 100 € - Mrs Francis
Lot 3: White-tailed Eagle Photograpy. Price 75 € - Mr Foley
Lot 4: MATSALU TICKET (for 2 person). Price 2 x 40 € - Mr Chew
Lot 5: Brown Bear tracking and watching. Price 105 € - Mr Cropper

Congratulations to everyone!

Titchwell Marsh

The Estonian Nature Tours team also visited the Norfolk area during the British Birdfair 2011 for some birding. Our main destination was Titchwell Marshes where we encountered nice flocks of waders - including Black-tailed Godwits, Dunlins, Avocets, Ruffs and many other wetland birds. Even a rare vagrant - a Buff-breasted Sandpiper was seen at Titchwell that day. It was an interesting visit not only for birds but also for the great opportunity to see successful nature conservation efforts in action. We were also delighted to see the very modern hides at this wetland which allow birdwatchers to get really close to the birds without disturbing them. We also went to Hunstanton to see Fulmars - a bird which is rather common in Norfolk, but not present in Estonia.

View to the Titchwell Marshes
Photo: Tarvo Valker

Titchwell Marsh is an exceptional nature reserve on the north Norfolk coast. It is a part of a network of outstanding wildlife sites across Europe called Natura 2000. A walk from the visitor centre down to the sandy beach takes you past reedbeds and shallow lagoons, which are often full of birds. You can sit on benches or watch from spacious, wheelchair-accessible hides. Read more...

Hiking trail before entering the hide
Photo: Tarvo Valker

RSPB Titcwell Marsh nature reserve is under pressure. The sand dunes along
the beach are being eroded by the sea. The ersosion of the dunes would
ultimately threaten the sea walls that prtect the reserve´s valuable
freswater habitats. These habitats are home to spectacular and rare breeding birds such as bitterns, mars harriers and bearded tits.

Inside view of the birdwatching hide
Photo: Tarvo Valker

In autumn 2009, the RSPB started work on the Titchwell Marsh Coastal Change

Find out more about the project here...

View to the mudflats from the hide
Photo: Tarvo Valker

Friday, October 28, 2011

British Birdfair 2011

The world’s largest birdwatching fair, British Birdfair, was raising funds this year to protect the African-Eurasian flyway. The constantly expanding Sahara Desert and deterioration of habitats in wintering areas is causing problems for many bird species that breed in Europe and winter in Africa. Many common species such as Barn Swallow, Wood Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher and others are rapidly dedlining, a trend that is happening in Estonia’s breeding birds as well. To support the Birdfair's important conservation project Estonian Nature Tours put up a 6-day birding tour ‘Estonia in Early Spring’ to a charity auction. Bidding on the day took the price to £455, which will be donated in full to one of the most renowned bird conservation organizations - Birdlife International. Our congratulations to L. Lowdnes, the winner of our birding tour in the auction!

Birdfair’s auction raised over £17,000 which is a Birdfair record! The money raised goes directly to the project Birdfair is supporting - Birdlife International’s Flyways Project.

Bristish Birdfair 2011
Photo: Tarvo Valker

The 2011 Birdfair took place at Egleton Nature Reserve, Rutland from Friday, 19th till Sunday, 21st August. This is the fourth time Estonian Nature Tours (ENT) has participated in the bird tourism fair as an exhibitor.

White-tailed Eagles near feeding site
Photo: Mati Kose

Tarvo Valker, a member of council of the Estonian Ornithological Society, made a presentation „Nature protection highlights in Estonia“. A small country with quite a few naturalists has much to share with the rest of Europe. It is successful in protecting wildlife and carrying on valuable mammal and bird studies, as well as raising public awareness. The presentation was illustrated with many pictures showing highlights of all their work. There were about 150 visitors listening to his presentation.

Yellow-browed Warbler
Photo: Uku Paal

There was considerable interest in Estonian Nature Tour’s stand with almost 700 people visiting us during the weekend. In addition to this there was a clear increase in the number of tourists wishing to visit Estonia. There was great excitement among our visitors about our mammal-watch tours, but also our early spring birding tours and nature photography safaris.

For the first time Estonian Nature Tours offered a possibility to win a dream wildlife holiday to Estonia in British Birdfair 2011 and on our webpage as well. Read more...

White-backed Woodpecker
Photo: Sven Zacek

Estonian Nature Tours team also visited Norfolk area for short birding. Read more...

ENT team is eagerly looking forward to meet you next spring in Estonia and of course at the Birdfair 2012!

The project MATSALU TICKET was launched unexpectedly well

During this season (from June till September) 226 nature lovers visited Matsalu. Among the groups there were visitors from foreign countries as well, including Finland, Holland, Belgium, Turkey, Moldova, France, Germany and more.

MATSALU TICKET was successfully sold to their clients by the travel agency Estravel, several hotels in Tallinn and Tallinn Tourism Information Point. The most popular option among the clients was the Cherry.ee campaign – 50 canoeing trips for two were sold within two and a half days.
Beginning from 2012 it will be possible to buy a discounted ticket from Tallinn to Matsalu with the Tallinn Card. Buses will depart on Saturdays from Tallinn, Pärnu and Haapsalu.

White-tailed Eagle
Photo: Harry Vähk

The Matsalu Ticket is a very new and environmentally friendly brand meant for anyone who wants to travel sustainably and knows how to respect nature as well as local people. The project teaches about wildlife and coordinates visits to the Matsalu National Park helping to avoid excess disturbance of both animal and plant species, as well as the local population. Bus tours and canoe trips are lead by local Estonian and English speaking guides.

Lunch at Local Farm
Photo: Kristi Kevvai

The Matsalu Ticket is benefiting several companies including about 20 different service suppliers – tour guides, transportation companies, boatmen, tourist farms, caterers, museums, nature centres and many local craftsmen.

See photos here...

More info here...

Ryanair Magazine will soon issue an 8-page feature about Estonia

In the middle of September several European top journalists visited West-Estonia (Läänemaa County). The promotional tour was organized and managed by Estonian Nature Tours and it was partially financed by the Environmental Board (Matsalu National Park) and partially by EU. The main aim of the tour was to introduce to the whole world, with the help of motivated journalists, our wonderful network of unspoiled wetland habitats, different birding and mammal watching opportunities, our unique wildlife and to promote Estonia’s rich history and the options of sustainable tourism.

Photo: Greg Funnell

During the 4-day promotional tour several nature reserves as well as the Matsalu National Park were visited. In addition the guests received a comprehensive overview of the local history. Participants in the tour were almost exclusively top journalists from several leading travel magazines of Great Britain, Finland and Russia and a travel agent from the Netherlands.

Photo: Greg Funnell

Ryanair Magazine with over 4.5 million readers will publish an 8-page feature about Estonia in their upcoming Nov/Dec issue. A professional travel magazine from Finland Ikkunapaikka – Window Seat Travel Trade Magazine (15 000 readers) already issued a story in their Oct number. World Voyager Magazine ("Всемирный Следопыт"/ St.Peterburg) from Russia will publish a 2-page story in their first issue of 2012, that will reach almost 250 000 readers. Another Russian publication – Time Out Moscow (www.timeout.ru) with 50 000 readers will also publish an article soon. The travel agent from the Netherlands promised to start to sell two separate tours – in May and in October.

Photo: Greg Funnell

On 17 September the guests had the opportunity to meet Ms. Kaja Lotman, the director of the State Nature Conservation Centre, Ms. Nele Sõber, leader of the NGO Terra Maritima and the crew of Matsalu Nature Film Festival. It was soon followed by the festive final ceremony of the Matsalu Nature Film Festival and collective watching of the Grand Prix film.

Photo: Greg Funnell

Photo: Greg Funnell

Here is some first-hand feedback from the participants:
There is still a good taste in my mouth from the trip I had the privilege to participate with you! (And that is not only because of the excellent and tasteful Estonian food!)
I am writing to thank you and Ivar once again for this wonderful trip and this new experience. It was a very interesting and eventful program.
We got back fine yesterday and with many happy memories of a great time in Estonia! Thanks so much for everything you did to ensure we had such an enjoyable few days – I loved it all.
It had a big impression on me. Now I love the beautiful town of Haapsalu and I like looking to cranes of course!

Photo: Greg Funnell

Additional information:
Marika Mann, CEO
Estonian Nature Tours
Ph: +372 477 8214, +372 5349 6695

Photo: Greg Funnell