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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Vali Aasta Keskkonnategu 2013

Veel on võimalik kaasa aidata parima keskkonnateo valimisel. Anna konkursil oma hääl SIIN ja aita Marika Mann parimate hulka. Hääletus on avatud 31.detsembrini.

Eesti loodusturismi arendaja ja eestvedaja ning Estonian Nature Tours´i asutaja ja tegevjuht Marika Mann kandideerib Keskkonnaministeeriumi poolt väljakuulutatud konkursil Aasta Keskkonnategu 2013. Marika keskkonnategu on Eesti loodusväärtuste ja looduskaitse eesmärkide tutvustamine välismaal ning hoiakute kujundamine Eestis.
Marika Mann  on tutvustanud Eesti loodust 2013. aastal ligi 600 välismaa külastajale ja tema loodud teavet Eesti loodusväärtuste kohta luges sel aastal ligi 2 miljonit inimest üle kogu maailma. Tänu Marika Manni tegevusele on Eesti saanud olulise koha loodusturismi kaardil maailmas ja Eestist on kujunenud üks populaarsemaid sihtriike, kuhu inimesed soovivad tulla vaatlema seda, mida mujal enam ei ole. Tutvu Marika poolt 2013.a. jooksul läbiviidud tegevustega Blogis (loe läbi kõik 2003.a. uudised) ja Facebookis.

Loe ka Marika poolt koostatud uudiskirju, mis iga kord saadetakse välja enam kui 2000-le looduskaitsjale ja loodushuvilisele üle kogu maailma:

Marika Mannile on soovituskirja kirjutanud 6 inimest Eestist ja välismaalt. Loe lähemalt...

Neeme Suur, Riigikogu liige

Killian Mullarney, Author/artist of the best-selling European fieldguide, The Collins Birdguide, London 1999, Staff leader at Sunbird Birdwatching Tours

Tarvo Valker, vabakutseline looduskaitsja ja linnugiid, Läänemaa Linnuklubi juhatuse esimees, EOÜ Nõukogu liige, Noore Looduskaitsja preemia laureaat 2008.a.

Minna Jõgeda, Eesti Fototurismi Keskuse juhataja, Põlvamaa parim turismitöötaja 2013

Louis D´Amore, IIPT (International Institute for Peace through Tourism) Founder and President

Peter Chadwick, Professor of Finance, retired (BSc, MSc(EE), MSc(ME), FCIS, FCCA, MCMA)

Monday, December 23, 2013

We sincerely hope that we gave you the inspiration...

We’ll give you a musical slide-show for Christmas...

Dear Nature Lover,

For me, it has been an honour and a privilege to bring people closer to nature, and exploring new species and habitats together only nourishes the pleasure in my heart. I would like to express my gratitude to each and every client for helping me to open my eyes and my heart and teaching me to be proud of my country and its wildlife.

Come and see for yourself – we would like to share it with you!

On behalf of the Estonian Nature Tours team                  
Marika Mann
executive manager

Tour Calendar 2014

With pleasure, we continously offering individual bookings on our fully-inclusive holidays. We have never before had to offer so many different opportunities as for a year 2014.

White-tailed Eagle Photography

A 5-day holiday focusing on photographing eagles in the snow as well as other Estonian wildlife in Winter.

Estonia is an up and coming destination for wildlife photography. Boasting fantastic species such as European Lynx and wolves, White- tailed Eagles, Wild Boar and Elk. All of which you may get the chance to photograph if you visit Estonia already this Winter. Read more...
Price: 995 € pp.
Thu 6th March – Mon 10th March
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...
Mon 10th March – Fri 14th March
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) / Remo Savisaar


Steller´s Eider Break 

An 4-day fully-inclusive holiday in search flocks of Steller´s Eider and other wintering specialities of West-Estonia.

Few places in Europe can match Estonia's amazing birdlife, at almost any time of year. The most important wintering area for Steller’s Eider, Europe’s most endangered seaduck,  is off the coast of our biggest island, Saaremaa. These eye-catching birds arrive in December and leave around the beginning of April. Come in January and February when congregations may reach 1000 birds or more.
This is also a great time for Hawk Owls, an uncommon but regular winter visitor in Estonia. Read more...

Price: 495 € pp.
Fri 28th March – Mon 31st March
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Steller´s Eider (Polysticta stelleri) / Jari Peltomäki


Estonia - A Shelter For Western Taiga Forest Birds

6-day fully-inclusive holiday in search of owls, woodpeckers, grouse and other forest specialities of Estonia.

An Estonian Western Taiga forests has an extraordinary richness of species. Up to 40,000 pairs of Hazel Grouse nest here while the number of Capercaillie has stabilised around at 2-3,000 pairs.  Spring in Estonia begins in late March when woodpeckers start their drumming and all the swamps and bogs resound with displaying Black Grouses at sunrise. Hazel Grouse can suprise you near the roadsides while driving in forested areas. You can hear the calls of Ural, Pygmy and Tengmal`s Owls as it gets dark,  or observe roding Woodcocks above the trees. In one national park in Estonia more White-backed Woodpeckers may nest than in the whole of Sweden! Read more...

Price: 860 € pp.
Wed 9th Apr - Mon 14th Apr 2014
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) / Ingmar Muusikus


Great Snipe & Woodpeckers

An 5-day fully-inclusive holiday in search for the impressive selection of woodpeckers (in all, eight species can been found in Estonia!) and a Great Snipe.

Few places in Europe can match the excitement of watching Estonia's amazing wildlife, at almost any time of year. Spring in Estonia begins in late March when woodpeckers start their drumming, Capercaillies become very active under the old pine forest at dusk and all the swamps and bogs resound with displaying Black Grouse at sunrise. During this birding trip, often there are mornings when 4-6 different species of woodpeckers can be found in one small woodland! Being widespread, Hazel Hen can surprise you near the roadsides while driving in forested areas. You can hear the calls of Ural, Pygmy and Tengmalm`s Owls in the forests when it gets dark,  or observe roding Woodcocks flying above you. From late April to late June, after sunset, the meadows resound with the bubbling of Great Snipes – a breeding species for which Estonia is internationally important. Up to 600 males have been estimated. Read more...

Price: 695 € pp.
Wed 30th Apr – Sun 3rd May 2014
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) / Sven Zacek


Mammals & Birds in Spring

An 8-day fully-inclusive holiday in search mammals of Estonia.

Estonian forests are renowned in Europe for their healthy populations of mammals with around 700-800 Lynx, over 150 Wolves, 500-600 Brown Bears and almost 20 000 Beavers – tremendous numbers for such a small country. In all, sixty-four species of mammals have been recorded in Estonia including several European rarities, the most endagered examples being the European Mink, several species of dormouse and the Flying Squirrel. Read more...

Price: 1495 € pp.
Fri 9th May - Fri 16th May
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) / Agris Krusts


Wildlife Photography tour     

An 9-day holiday focusing on the fantastic opportunities to photograph Estonia´s wildlife.   

This photo tour combines specialist photographic tuition and expert wildlife guiding through the skills and knowledge of noted professional wildlife photographer Neil Aldridge from UK, and leading Estonian photographer Remo Savisaar. We offer just six people the chance to photograph some of Europe's iconic wildlife, now rare or extinct elsewhere in Europe.
All levels of photography skill and interest are welcome and each guest will receive help and tuition personal to them no matter whether they are an amateur or semi-professional. Read more...

Price: 1795 € pp.
Sat 31st May - Sun 8th Jun
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Beaver (Castor fiber) / Remo Savisaar

Orchids & Bears

An 5-day fully-inclusive holiday in focusing on Brown Bear tracking and watching and wild flowers (especially orchids – 36 species of Orchids have been found in Estonia!)

Estonian forests are renowned in Europe for their healthy populations of mammals with around 700-800 Lynx, over 150 Wolves, 500-600 Brown Bears and almost 20,000 Beavers – tremendous numbers for such a small country. In all, sixty-four species of mammals have been recorded in Estonia including several European rarities, the most endagered examples being the European Mink, several species of dormouse and the Flying Squirrel.
Estonia’s flora is comprised of about 1440 species of vascular plants, 550 species of mosses, 800 species of lichens and 3000 species of algae. 36 species of Orchids have been found in Estonia. Read more...

Price: 955 € pp.
Wed 18th Jun - Sun 22nd Jun
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Lady´s slippers (Cypripedium calceolus) / Remo Savisaar


Wild Flowers & Butterflies

An 8-day fully-inclusive holiday in search of wild flowers and other wildlife of Estonia, amongst them a fine selection of orchids and rare butterfly species such as Baltic Grayling, Scarce Heath, Scarce Fritillary, Frigga's Fritillary, Bog Fritillary, Cranberry Blue, Clouded Apollo, Northern Chequered Skipper, Poplar Admiral etc.

In recent  years Estonia has been a magnet for birdwatchers from Europe and beyond. Now this Baltic State is also becoming a mecca for butterfly and dragonfly enthusiasts eager to see the country´s speciality species.  Because of its history, large parts of the country have remained completely wild, while farming methods in many areas are unintensive resulting in a mosaic of excellent habitats such as numerous flowery meadows, natural forests and massive bog areas. Read more...

Price: 1250 € pp.
Sun 6th Jul - Sun 13th Jul
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Europe-Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) / Peeter Vissak


Estonia in Autumn
An 8-day holiday focusing on the autumn bird migration in Western Estonia.

Although not widely discovered yet, Estonia is the ideal country for observing one of the most spectacular natural shows – massive bird migration. This smallest and northernmost Baltic country lies on the crossroads of the Eastern Atlantic migratory flyway: Estonia is locked between the Finnish Gulf, the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea and Lake Peipsi near the Russian border. Geographically the Estonian waters and coastline are stepping-stones along the flyway between breeding and wintering areas for millions of Arctic waterbirds, making birdwatching in Estonia fabulous at this time of year. Read more...
Price: 1150 € pp.
Fri 19th Sep - Fri 26th Sep
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Common Cranes (Grus grus) / Remo Savisaar


Mammals & Birds in Spring

An 8-day fully-inclusive holiday in search mammals of Estonia.

Estonian forests are renowned in Europe for their healthy populations of mammals with around 700-800 Lynx, over 150 Wolves, 500-600 Brown Bears and almost 20 000 Beavers – tremendous numbers for such a small country. In all, sixty-four species of mammals have been recorded in Estonia including several European rarities, the most endagered examples being the European Mink, several species of dormouse and the Flying Squirrel. Read more...

Price: 1495 € pp.
Fri 26th Sep - Fri 3rd Oct
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Elk (Alces alces) / Luke Massey


Migration Hotspots

An 8-day holiday focusing on the most dramatic autumn bird migration locations in Estonia.

Estonia has been chosen to appear among the elite of the world´s most dramatic migration locations for its amazing spring and autumn passage of birds, involving millions of wildfowl and waders flying along the coast between the Baltic Sea and breeding grounds on the Arctic tundra. In addition, there is an exceptional migration of songbirds through the country each autumn, while in winter there are large congregations of wildfowl (including Steller's Eider, now considered a Vulnerable species by BirdLife International) along its coastline. Estonia is a crucial country for birds and a visit or two should be on every birder's itinerary! Read more...

Price: 1150 € pp.
Fri 3rd Oct - Fri 10th Oct
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Pochards and Tufted ducks at Matsalu bay / Mati Kose


Brown Bears & Birds

An 5-day fully-inclusive holiday focusing on the spectacular bird migration and Brown Bear tracking and watching.

Estonia in the autumn is a magnificent destination for the birdwatcher who wants to see forest species, such as woodpeckers and forest grouse, together with raptors and arctic migration, with that added touch of eastern rarities and even some mammals. In western Estonia, wetlands are always full of life in the autumn. From early September until late October, thousands of ducks, geese and cranes use these wetlands as their last feeding and roosting grounds before their final migration to the wintering sites. The sight of tens of thousands of common birds like Chaffinch and Brambling can be very impressive and these can include large numbers of Goldcrests, Northern Wheatears and Common Starlings. Read more... 

Price: 955 € pp.
Wed 8th Oct - Sun 12th Oct
Programme can be viewed when clicking here...

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) / Luke Massey

For birdwatchers who can make a quick decision and are keen to see this stunning northern bird; the Hawk Owl plus other specific species as STeller´s Eider, Black Grouse, Hazel Grouse and White-backed Woodpecker, we now have 3-day bargain tours. Invite a friend, or even a few and contact us, book a suitable period, and start packing! Group sizes can vary from 2-7 people. The price includes local transportation, a guide, two dinners and two nights in hotel/guesthouse with private facilities and breakfast. Read more...

Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) / Remo Savisaar

Prices exclude international tickets and insurance. All you have to do is get yourself  to Tallinn Airport (or Tallinn Harbor) where our local guide will meet you. For three or more bookings, please ask for a discount. The additional discount doesn't apply for special price tours or Tailor-made holidays.
For futher information on any of  Wildlife trips we have on offer, plus booking details, terms and conditions please visit www.naturetours.ee  and choose TOUR CALENDAR from the left menu. Or phone or e-mail us for the detailed itinerary, stating the name of trip.
Tel:  +372 5349 6695 / E-mail: info@naturetours.ee .

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change to Tourism Publication Now Available

Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change to Tourism: Case Studies of Best Practice is now available from Cambridge Scholars Publishers.  The Publication is based on papers presented at the 5th IIPT African Conference in Lusaka, Zambia and selected other contributors. It is an indispensable source of insights and models of best practice relating to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change by various sectors of the industry.

Few years ago, the executive manager of Estonian Nature Tours, Marika Mann represented Estonia at an IIPT regional conference in Zambia. We are proud that our opinions have been included in this prestigious book.

Chapter Twenty-seven ............................................................................. 256
Sustainable Product Development and Marketing
Marika Mann

Editor: Louis D'Amore and Patrick Kalifungwa
Date Of Publication: Aug 2013
Isbn13: 978-1-4438-4893-0
Isbn: 1-4438-4893-X
As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stated, “Climate change is the pre-eminent geopolitical and economic issue of the 21st century. It rewrites the global equation for development, peace and prosperity.” The scientific evidence is clear – climate change is happening and the exposure to weather-related disasters such as heat waves, forest fires, cyclones and flooding has the potential to seriously impact the tourism sector. The travel and tourism industry is both a significant contributor to climate change, being responsible for 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and is directly impacted by it. At the same time, the industry is a vital driver of the global economy with an estimated US$6.6 trillion total contribution in 2012, and is particularly significant to developing and emerging economies where the impacts of climate change can be most disruptive. This collection of papers is a timely and indispensable source of insights and models of best practice relating to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change by various sectors of the industry.

Louis D’Amore is the Founder and President of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT). He has been instrumental in promoting the travel and tourism industry as the world’s first “Global Peace Industry” since the founding of IIPT in 1986. His concept of “Peace through Tourism” includes the idea of “peace with nature,” and, accordingly, he has been a pioneer in socially and environmentally responsible tourism since conducting the world’s first comprehensive study on the future of tourism for the Canadian Government in the mid-’70s, and, subsequently in 1993, developing the world’s first “Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism.” Mr D’Amore is Chancellor of Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) and recipient of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners’ “Visionary Award.”

Dr Patrick Kalifungwa is the Vice Chancellor and Founder of Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) . He spearheaded the establishment of the first tertiary Tourism University in Zambia. His motivation arose from his tour of duty as Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources. Dr Kalifungwa studied at Glamorgan University, in the United Kingdom, and American University, in the United States. He is the recipient of awards for the best Minister of Tourism and Africa Travel Association President, the International Socrates Award, the Best Enterprise Award and the Quality Management Award. He is the Executive Director and Chairman of Allterrain Zambia, a board member for the International Advisory Council IIPT and a member of the UNWTO Knowledge Network.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Estonian Nature Tours pidas aasta-koosolekut Roostal

29-ndal novembril toimus Roostal Estonian Nature Tours´i linnu- ja loodusgiidide koosolek. Koosviibimist alustati lühikese seminariga, kus tegevjuht Marika Mann andis lühikese ülevaate firma 10 aasta tegevuse eesmärkidest ning tulemustest. Koos arutati, kuidas programmide ülesehitust ja giiditeenust veelgi paremaks muuta. Arutelu käigus ühineti ka arvamusega, et öko- ja loodusturism on tõsiseltvõetav majandusharu, mida saab üheskoos arendada vaid riigipoliitikas kaasa rääkides.
Ettevõtted nagu Estonian Nature Tours on väga huvitatud looduskaitseliste eesmärkide saavutamisest ja soovivad osaleda seaduste ja seadusemuudatuste vastuvõtmise protsessis, mis puudutavad teemasid nagu põllumajandus, jahindus, metsandus, energia ja maavarad, aga ka transport, meedia ning regionaalpoliitika.
Kuna Estonian Nature Tours´i tegevus lähtub sügavast missioonitundest tutvustada klientidele Eesti loodusväärtusi ja looduskaitselist tegevust, on ülioluline, et senisest veelgi enam suureneks koostöö Keskonnaministeeriumi ja Keskkonnaametiga. ENT soovib sellist traditsiooni jätkata. Järgmine samm on meie ühiste probleemide ning eesmärkide kaardistamine ja nende edastamine vastavatele ametkondadele ja ministeeriumidele.
Pidulik õhtusöök ja saun olid ühtlasi ka tänuürituseks meie väga olulistele ja headele partneritele – Eesti tipp-loodusgiididele. Pärast õhtusööki jätkus arutelu saunamajas varaste hommikutundideni.

 Marika teeb ettekande firma ajaloost

 Õhtusöök ei piirdunud vaid kinniste veinipudelite ja tühjade taldrikutega :) 
Lauale kanti  tõeliselt maitsev jõulupraad ja magustoiduks õuna-kohupiima kook.

Estonian Nature Tours was holding its annual meeting in Roosta

On November 29 'Estonian Nature Tours’ meeting of bird and nature guides was held at Roosta. To start the meeting a there was a brief seminar in which Marika Mann, CEO gave a short overview of the goals and accomplishments of the company during the last 10 years. This was followed by discussion of how to refine the structure of programmes and tour-guide services in which everyone was favouring the opinion that nature tourism and ecotourism are credible branches of the industry, which can be jointly developed only via public debates in the state policy. 
Companies like Estonian Nature Tours are more than interested in achieving conservational goals and they are willing to participate in the legislative process concerning agriculture, hunting, forestry, energy and mineral resources, but likewise transportation, media and regional policy. 
While the activities of Estonian Nature Tours emanate from the deep feeling of a mission to introduce nature values and conservational activities of Estonia to its clients, it is essential to cooperate even more with the Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Board. ENT is willing to carry on this tradition and the next step will be mapping our common problems and purposes and forwarding these to relevant offices and ministries.
A dinner party and sauna was also meant to be as ex gratia to our essential and good partners - top nature tour-guides of Estonia. After the dinner the discussion was carried over to sauna, where it continued into the early hours.

 Marika is talking about product development and marketing  by Estonian Nature Tours

The dinner did not stop with closed bottles of wine and empty plates :) 
A truly delicious christmas roast was served with an apple and cheesecake for the afters.