Estonian Nature Tours signed a public appeal "For sustainable management of Estonian forests" among the other tourism organisations. The appeal has sent to the Minister of the Environment and Environment Commitee of the Estonian Parliament.
Public appeal of tourism enterprises and companies to the Environmental Commission of the Parliament of Estonia and the Minister of Environment concerning sustainable management of the forests of Estonia.
Current forest policy and forest management practices in Estonia do not take into sufficient consideration the needs of tourism sector. Increasing forest cutting conflict with internationally formed opinion about Estonia's untouched nature and protected forests. In theory 26% of forests are under protection, but in actuality logging is routinely going on in national parks. Such contradiction has strong negative impact to tourism enterprises of Estonia and implicitly to the economy and reputation of the country generally.
Tourism sector is one of the cornerstones of Estonian economy, its GDP is with similar order of magnitude, as that of logging sector. The number of foreign tourists visiting Estonia is constantly growing. Forest is very important asset and resource of tourism industry. Unfortunately no representatives of tourism sector have been involved in decision making, concerning forest management trends and orientations.
Pursuant to the aforementioned we submit our proposals:
1) Retain the forests in protected areas in natural condition and therefore earn long-run economic profit from tourism industry;
2) Consider the interests of the tourism sector in forest policy and make the amendments in relevant acts;
3) Involve the representatives of tourism sector in the institutions, evolving forest policy in Estonia.
Eesti Loodusturismiettevõtete Ühendus
MTÜ Eesti Maaturism / (Rural tourism)
Eesti Spaaliit / Estonian Spas
Lääne-Eesti Turism MTÜ / West Estonian Tourism
Põhja-Eesti Turism / North Estonia SA
Lõuna-Eesti Turism SA / Foundation South Estonian Tourism
Visit Saaremaa MTÜ
Valgamaa Arenguagentuur SA / Valgamaa County Development Agency
Võrumaa Arenguagentuur SA / Võrumaa County Development Agency
Põlvamaa Arenduskeskus SA+ / Põlvamaa County Development Centre
Viljandimaa Arenduskeskus SA / Viljandimaa County Development Centre
JAEK Jõgevamaa Arendus- ja Ettevõtluskeskus SA / Jõgevamaa County Development and Business Centre
Läänemaa Turism MTÜ
Viljandimaa Turism MTÜ
Tartumaa Turism SA
Ehedad Elamused Lahemaal MTÜ
Soomaa Turism MTÜ
Peipsimaa & Peipsimaa Turism MTÜ / Visitpeipsi
Setomaa Turism MTÜ/ Visit Setomaa
Kumari Reisid OÜ / Estonian Nature Tours
Reimann Retked OÜ / Reimann Retked Ltd.
360 kraadi OÜ / 360 degrees
Loodusturism.ее OÜ
Matkajuht Osaühing
Viitong Reisid OÜ / Heritage Tours
Estonian Nature OÜ / Estonian Wildlife Tours
Urban Pirate OÜ
Naturumi OÜ
Kaks hunti OÜ / Capture Estonia- Photo & Nature Tours
NaTourEst OÜ
Viis Aastaaega OÜ
Teadlikud Elamused MTÜ / Experiest
Appeal compiled by:
Bert Rähni & Aivar Ruukel
Translated by:
Peeter Vissak
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