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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

August ei ole enam kaugel

Suur-kirjurähn on tagasi.. Ei tea, kas noorlind – otsib toitu nii ebaharilikest kohtadest ja muidu ka liiga julge? Ei tea, kas tõrjub nüüd valgeselja toidurännakud mujale? Elame-näeme.

 Foto: Raili Mets

Hea kellukate aasta on olnud. Mõni nädal tagasi korjasime Anette-Lyga neid linna kaasa, kimbus oli viis erinevat liiki: kera- ja kurekellukas, nõgeslehine, laialehine, suureõieline kellukas. Anette-Ly tunneb nüüd ära kaelustuvi ja linavästriku :) Sookured, valge-toonekure ja pääsukesed muidugi ka. Ja kiile märkab ta suurepäraselt.

 Foto: Raili Mets

Ritsikad siristavad, täristavad ja kligistavad, liblikad kooruvad ja kiilid paarituvad. Pääsukesed räägivad läbisegi külajuttu ja rästad käivad kirsivargil, konnakotkad otsivad niidetud põldudelt toitu. Kõrvukrätsu pojad on toiduootel kiunumise lõpetanud, vist otsivad juba ise ninaesist. Metsanotsud sebivad aga vöödiliste possudega üheskoos ringi. Läheb vist soojemaks ja leebelt küps augustikuu ei ole enam kaugel. Mõnus...

 Foto: Raili Mets

Kliendid kanuumatkast Matsalus

 “Matk oli meeletult tore. Kõik laabus kenasti, grupi sõidutempo oli väga mõnus, kiirustamist ei olnud, söögid maitsesid väga hästi ja ilmaga vedas ka. See oli mu puhkuse üks esimesi päevi ja mõtlesin, et kui see peaks ka mu ainus puhkuse päev olema, oleksin ikkagi väga rahul. Samuti meeldis muuseumikülastus ja Matsalu lindude tutvustus. Hiljem sai roostikus kohe targema näoga ringi vaadata. Jätkake kindlasti samas vaimus!“  H-M.K. / kanuumatk / Juuni 2012

“Tänan väga toreda ja huvitava  matka korralduse eest. Eraldi tahame oma pundiga tänada  ka väga meie retkejuhti Jaano-Martinit, kellelt sai igakülgset abi ja infot kõige kohta. Lõunasöök oli lihtsalt supermaitsev- meiepoolsed tänud kokkadele. Ilmaga läks meil ikkagi väga hästi, sest vihma saime korralikult alles Haapsalu poole sõidul…” R-J.R. / kanuumatk / Juuni 2012
 “Meil läks väga hästi. Minu elukaaslane, kes oli esmakordselt, jäi ka väga rahule. Nii muusemi külastus kui ka aerutamine olid toredad. Kanuuga sõidul viimane lõpp võttis natuke ähkima, aga see käib asja juurde. Toit oli väga väga hea ja seda oli nii palju, et oleks võinud ka õhtusöögi sealsamas teha. Tänud kokale ja muidugi kõigile teistele ka, kes seal asjapulgad olid. Olen ühe korra käinud teise firmaga sõitmas ja sealne piknikukorv oli nö vana kui vana, sisaldas kõike, mis oli kuivanud ja kõva. Aitäh emotsioonide ja toreda päeva eest.“ S.V /  kanuumatk / Juuni 2012

"Tere, tahaksin tänada nii Teid, kui giidi suurepäraselt organiseeritud matka eest - mul ja minu kaaslasel jätkub vaid kiidusõnu, sest kõik kokku - transport, piknik, looduskeskuse külastus ( muidugi ka ilm :)) jne olid väga, väga super! P.S! Kiidusõnad ka väga maitsva toidu eest! Kindlasti kasutame Teie teenuseid ka edaspidi ja külastame Matsalut taaskord." K.N / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Juuni 2012

"Tere, tänan küsimast, meil läks väga hästi. Tütarele väga meeldis ja juba küsiti et millal jälle:) Meile meeldis ka kogu retk väga ja toit oli väga maitsev eriti hea oli kook:) Kindlasti võtame varsti ka uue retke ette. K.P. / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Juuni 2012

"Matk oli väga tore, tänud ja tervitused korraldajatele! Suurepärane on mõte siduda see makt Matsalu RMK keskuse külastusega ja eelkõige suurepärase fotofilmi vaatamisega. Matkajuht oli muhe ja sõbralik, võiks talle vaid soovitada veel julgemalt igatsorti lugude ja juhtumiste pajatamist. Ilmselt oleksime neid rohkem kuulnud, kui oleksime taibanud matkajuhi enda paati meelitada - vedas neil, kes temaga koos sõitsid.
Muidugi soosis ka ilm meie ettevõtmist parimal viisil. Ja kui üldse millegi üle viriseda tahaks, siis ehk selle üle, et piknikukorvis oleks võinud ühe piruka vahetada välja pisut suurema koguse kalasalatiga, mis oli imemaitsev. Aga no see virin on tegelikult ju liiast, sest ka piknik oli parim, mida oleksime osanud oodata. Aitäh kokkadele. Eriti toda kohupiimaga rammusat magusat kooki jääme hää tundega meenutama!  Toredate matkaelamuste eest tänades." K. & P. / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Juuni 2012

"Jäime laupäevas päevaga väga rahule. Reisibüroo poolt oli tellitud ka ilmataadilt väga hea ilm. Suur pluss! Reisijuht oli tore ja asjalik.
Pikniku toidud super, eriti kaste, mis käis kartuli juurde ja kohupiimakook. 5+. Tänud teile!" S.O.  / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Juuni 2012

 "Oli üks väga mõnus kevadpäev. Kõhklused, kas ikka minna said ületatud ja lõpp-punkt saabus liiga kiiresti. Ja milline suurepärane piknikukorvi sisu! Mina olen väga rahul ja kui avaneb uus võimalus kasutan seda kindlasti." M.L. / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Mai 2012

"Olime väsinud, aga õnnelikud. Kanuusõidu viimane 5km oli vastutuult ja paras katsumus. Aga vihma ei sadanud ja giid oli oma ala proff, nii et igati kordaläinud üritus. Ja kuidas maitses kodune eine Kasari jõe kaldal.....Lisaks saime Peeter Vissakult teada, kes on see tüütu tulistaja igal hommikul kell viis meie kodu juures. Selgus, et süüdlane on suur kirjurähn, kevad hinges. Täna hommikul ärkasime jällegi koos tuttava põristajaga. Palju tänu hariva nädalavahetuse eest. Ootame põnevusega suve, kui saaks ette võtta taimi 
tutvustava ekskursiooni." L.P & G.P. / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Mai 2012

Vaade Kasari luhale üleujutuse ajal

"Tänan toreda laupäeva eest, esimese korra kohta ei olnudki nii jube, kui teadjamehed kollitasid;)
Väga huvitav film/slaid-show enne sõitu ja muuseumi tutuvustus andsid parema ettekujutuse, mida Matsalu endast kujutab. Ja veel millised küpsekartulid...:-)". K. / Cherry kampaania MATSALU TICKET kanuumatk / Mai 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Estonia butterfly tour 6-13 June, 2012

By Mike Williams – Vice-chair, Butterfly Conservation “European Interests Group"

The first butterfly tour in Estonia organised by Estonian Nature Tours for UK butterfly enthusiasts took place in early June this year and proved a great success. The tour was led by Mike Williams, a long standing member of Butterfly Conservation UK, and Erki Õunap, a butterfly specialist based at the University of Tartu. The combination of northern species with those more often found in the more eastern part of Europe means that Estonia has a lot to offer the butterfly enthusiast and participants on this tour were certainly not disappointed with what they found. Visits to a number of bog and forest habitats in south-eastern Estonia together with a couple of days on Saaremaa Island produced a wealth of fabulous butterflies and other wildlife. Stand out species included many sightings of Northern Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus silvicola), Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne) and Bog Fritillary (Boloria eunomia) together with Baltic Grayling (Oeneis jutta) and Scarce Heath (Coenonympha hero).

Northern Chequered Skipper, Carterocephalus silvicola / Wilfred Powell

Clouded Apollo, Parnassius mnemosyne / Mike Williams

Bog Fritillary, Boloria eunomia / Mike Williams

The generally sunny conditions enjoyed throughout the trip meant some excellent opportunities for the keen photographers in the group and many quality images were taken of butterflies and other wildlife seen. The fact that it has been a late Spring in Estonia meant that many of the butterflies were freshly emerged and an added bonus was to find species that would normally have disappeared by this time of the year like Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiope) still on the wing.

Amanda's Blue, Polyommatus amandus / Wilfred Powell

Good quality food and accommodation was provided by Mooste Guesthouse and Pilguse Manor, as well as the privately run establishments where a welcome lunch was provided on some days. Altogether 52 species of butterflies were recorded during the 7 day tour which was an impressive total for early June and this, combined with Estonia’s fantastic scenery and friendly hospitality, meant that participants returned home with fond memories of their visit.

Accommodation at Pilguse Manor / Julia Powell

 Butterfly rich meadow at Vana-Vastseliina / Julia Powell

Photographing Woodland Brown on Saaremaa / Julia Powell

Client comments:

„This is just to add my personal thanks for a tremendous week in your beautiful homeland. Erki was very generous with his time and efforts to show us as many species as possible. We saw a lot of wonderful stuff – most of it in prime condition. I enjoyed it hugely and would love to come back before long – maybe when the big Nymphalids are flying! With very best wishes to you both.“ David Dennis – National Chair, Butterfly Conservation / UK, June 2012

Read also Ode to ESTONIA...

„Personally, it was a great pleasure to visit Estonia again and to meet Peeter and Marika again. I very much enjoyed the trip, as did my wife Julia, and I saw 7 butterfly species that I had never seen before. Everyone else on the trip also gave me very positive feedback and said they had an excellent holiday." Wilfred Powell – Butterfly Conservation (member), Wildlife Trust (member), Bedfordshire Natural History Society (member of Counsil) / UK, June-July 2012

Species list (27 June to 4 July, in all 56 species):

1. Northern Chequered Skipper / Carterocephalus silvicolus
2. Chequered Skipper / Carterocephalus palaemon
3. Large Chequered / Skipper Heteropterus morpheus
4. Dingy Skipper / Erynnis tages
5. Large Skipper / Ochlodes sylvanus
6. Essex Skipper / Thymelicus lineolus
7. Small Skipper / Thymelicus sylvestris
8. Grizzled Skipper / Pyrgus malvae
9. Olive Skipper / Pyrgus serratulae
10. Clouded Apollo / Parnassius mnemosyne
11. Swallowtail / Papilio machaon
12. Brimstone / Gonepteryx rhamni
13. Black-veined / White Aporia crataegi
14. Green-veined / White Pieris napi
15. Wood White / Leptidea sinapis
16. Black Hairstreak / Satyrium pruni
17. Large Copper / Lycaena dispar
18. Purple-edged Copper / Lycaena hippothoe
19. Purple-shot Copper / Lycaena alciphron
20. Sooty Copper / Lycaena tityrus
21. Geranium Argus / Eumedonia eumedon
22. Small Blue / Cupido minimus
23. Large Blue / Maculinea arion
24. Mazarine Blue / Cyaniris semiargus
25. Common Blue / Polyommatus icarus
26. Amanda's Blue /  Polyommatus amandus
27. Cranberry Blue / Plebejus optilete
28. Silver-studded Blue / Plebejus argus
29. Poplar Admiral / Limenitis populi
30. White Admiral / Limenitis camilla
31. Painted Lady / Vanessa cardui
32. Red Admiral / Vanessa atalanta
33. Peacock / Inachis io
34. Small Tortoiseshell / Aglais urticae
35. Dark Green Fritillary / Argynnis aglaja
36. High Brown Fritillary / Argynnis adippe
37. Queen of Spain Fritillary / Issoria lathonia
38. Lesser Marbled Fritillary / Brenthis ino
39. Pearl-bordered Fritillary / Boloria euphrosyne
40. Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary / Boloria selene
41. Glanville Fritillary / Melitaea cinxia
42. Knapweed Fritillary / Melitaea phoebe
43. False Heath Fritillary / Melitaea diamina
44. Nickerl's Fritillary / Mellicta aurelia
45. Heath Fritillary / Mellicta athalia
46. Scarce Fritillary / Euphydryas maturna
47. Woodland Brown / Lopinga achine
48. Ringlet / Aphantopus hyperantus
49. Speckled Wood / Pararge aegeria
50. Large Wall Brown / Lasiommata maera
51. Meadow Brown / Maniola jurtina
52. Scarce Heath / Coenonympha hero
53. Pearly Heath / Coenonympha arcania
54. Chestnut Heath / Coenonympha glycerion
55. Large Heath / Coenonympha tullia
56. Small Heath / Coenonympha pamphilus

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ode to Estonia

By David Dennis – National Chair, Butterfly Conservation UK

When Mike said ‘We’re off to Estonia,
Where there’s lots of new species to snap.’
I said ‘I’ve always wanted to go there’
But then had to check on the map!

We found it was pleasantly rural
Full of insects and birdlife and frogs
You can wander around at your leisure
But you need to watch out for the bogs!

A bog was our first destination
At first we all thought it a breeze
But you mustn’t stand still for a moment
Or the water comes up to your knees.

Now the butterflies are quite amazing
With strange adaptations, we hear.
The adults are fitted with snorkels
And the larvae have full scuba gear.

We were nine, seven blokes and two ladies
Mike had hoped they would keep us in check
And inhibit our drinking and swearing.
Do you reckon it worked? Did it heck!!

Now our Ron was in charge of moth trapping
And we saw what a fine job he did
Up until he cross-wired the electrics
And buggered the National Grid.

But Mike saw the whole situation
And sorted it all without fuss.
He made sure that no one was injured
Then went back to sleep on the bus.

One night we went looking for beavers
And it felt quite relaxing and calm.
The beavers were not very active
So we thought ‘We will come to no harm.’

But suddenly from a giant cruiser
A tsunami came at us at speed!
We said ‘Never mind metre-long beavers,
It’s a metre of loo roll we need!’

But the one who’s impressed us is Tony
With his knowledge of everything small.
He’s identified hundreds of micros
Which mostly you can’t see at all!

All in all it’s been truly amazing
There’s been butterflies, banter and beer.
And it’s all down to Mike and to Erki
So we hope they’ll invite us next year!

Estonia butterfly tour 6-13 June, 2012.

 Weaver's Fritillary, Boloria dia / David Dennis

 Poplar Admiral, Limenitis populi / Wilfred Powell

 Scarce Fritillary, Euphydryas maturna / Wilfred Powell

Woodland Brown, Lopinga achine / Wilfred Powell

Monday, July 16, 2012

Birdwatching in Estonia – even better than Poland!

„I was encouraged to go to Estonia after winning a free bearwatching excursion in an ‘Estonian Nature Tours’ competition, but also because I’d always wondered why every birder who’s been to this country raves about it. In fact it exceeded our expectations. On the face of it, Estonia might seem very similar to Poland, with a similar list of species minus aquatic warblers, collared flycatchers and some others. But, having been to both countries, I think Estonia is better. It’s just chock full of birds!

Estonia is surely one of the most relaxing foreign excursions a UK birder could take. English is universally spoken (fluently!), everyone is helpful, it’s very safe and crime-free, the roads are almost empty  and there is a general cleanness and efficiency about the place.

At the bear hide, we were the only visitors, since the bears were reported to have left the area and not been seen for a week (they returned a couple of days after our visit). The forest was deathly silent as we waited; a Red Fox paced the boundary, then vanished. Then at 10pm to our amazement a Great Grey Owl appeared and began hunting right in front of the hide! This Estonian rarity was presumably hunting rats attracted by the  carcasses left out for the bears, and after watching it for nearly an hour, it pounced on something and flew off. Two Raccoon Dogs also came to feed in front of the hide, and the owl reappeared for a time in the early hours of the morning. So, no bears, but a very good night’s work!“ P.C. / UK, May-June 2012

Photo: Robin Dryden

Photo: Robin Dryden

Photo: Robin Dryden

Photo: Robin Dryden

Photo: Robin Dryden

Photo: Robin Dryden

Photo: Robin Dryden

 Great Grey Owl / Paul Cropper

In total, 174 species of birds seen during a trip. The mentioned observation of Great Grey Owl has been submitted for an approval to Estonian Rarities Committee. On average, five times a year Great Grey Owl has been seen in recent years.

A short break of during the first week to Estonia exceeded all expectations

A short break of during the first week to Estonia exceeded all expectations.
The trip was actually as a mammal tour and so all activities were designed with that in mind, but we did plenty of birding during daylight hours, which happens to be about 22 hours a day at this time of year. Special birds of interest were White-backed, Three- toed at the nest and Black Woodpeckers.  Great Snipe were seen lekking and as a bonus a Corncrake was seen in flight on three occasions at the same site. Two more of the latter were seen; one photographed on the road not more than two metres from the van.  Many other great birds were seen which can be found in the trip report elsewhere. 

The mammals were stunning. We started off with a boat ride for European  Beavers  which were duly seen, the beautiful Siberian Flying Squirrel, a very rare mammal indeed in Europe, some Raccoon dogs originally introduced from SE Asia by the Russians and best of all a night in the Bear hide rewarded us with three bears, a pair of which were seen in the late evening and again in the early morning when photography was just about possible. An incredible experience.
We were also treated to some bunches of Lady’s Slipper Orchids, and some beautiful Military Orchids on the coast on the last morning. We were a bit too early for orchids.

The guide, Tarvo, was excellent. He is knowledgeable, sociable and very friendly and worked extremely hard driving our very modern minibus for hours on end. He really put himself out to get the best out of our short week.

The specialist guides employed were excellent too and not only showed us the mammals but gave us much information about their place in the eco system and their life styles.

The accommodation was good too and the food was superb especially in the Matsu Guest House. 
The country itself is stunning, unspoilt and very green with many unimproved meadows and as  half the country is forest it was just great to drive around.

A fantastic one week’s break and I can certainly highly recommend the country, Estonian Nature Tours for their meticulous organisation,  and we will be sure to return soon.
Thanks Marika and Tarvo for a great holiday. John van der Dol / UK, June 2012, Sandwich Bird Tours

Click here and read Tour report...

 Brown Bear / Copyright: John van der Dol

Corncrake / Copyright: John van der Dol

Whitethroat / Copyright: John van der Dol

Copyright: John van der Dol 

Chaffinch / Copyright: John van der Dol

Monday, July 2, 2012


Loosime oma Facebooki lehe jälgijate vahel kolm imelist auhinda:

1. Värviline Osmussaar.  Tavahind 41 €. Võimalus registreerida järgmistel kuupäevadel toimuvatele retkedele 14.07 /  28.07. Tutvu paketiga siin...
2. Kured läinud, kurjad ilmad. Tavahind 41 €. Võimalus registreerida järgmistel kuupäevadel toimuvatele retkedele 14.09. / 15.09. / 16.09. Tutvu paketiga siin...
3. Kanuumatk Matsalu rahvuspargis 2-le. Tavahind 70 €. Võimalus registreerida järgmistel kuupäevadel toimuvatele retkedele 21.07. / 4.08. Tutvu paketiga siin...

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1. Mine meie Facebooki lehele https://www.facebook.com/EstonianNature
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Mäng kestab 8. juulini 2012. Loosis osalevad kõik, kes on järginud kolme sammu. 
Võitjate nimed teatame oma Facebooki lehel 9. juulil. Kellele loosiõnn ei naeratanud, saavad soovi korral osaleda auhinnaretkedel -25%.
Lisainfo ja registreerimine: epp@naturetours.ee

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