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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lasteaiaõpetajate õppereis Matsalu rahvuspargis

2010 aasta kevadel toimus lasteaiaõpetajate õppereis Matsalu rahvusparki. Projekti „Lasteaiaõpetajate õppereis Matsalu rahvuspargis” eesmärgiks oli keskkonnaalase väliõppe (õuesõppe) võimaluste tutvustamine ning võimalike suundade näitamine praktilise kasutusega. Sihtgrupiks lasteaiaõpetajad, kes edasiselt oleksid võimelised läbi viima praktilise suunitlusega väliõpet juba esmaselt lasteaia laste hulgas, kui ka võimalusega õpetajaid kasutada väliõppega seotud keskkonnaalaste õppepäevade läbiviimisel edasiste keskkonnateadlikkuse projektidega kavandatavatel õppepäevadel.

Õppereisi korraldaja leidmisel sai määravaks õuesõppe läbiviimise asukoht, vajaliku temaatika käsitluse oskused ja pädevus, varasemate tegevuste kvaliteetsus ning ka samalaadsete õppeprogrammide pakkujate vähesus. Eelnevat kokkuvõttes viis õppereisi läbi Kumari Reisid OÜ.

Õppereisi ülesehituses oli eelkõige käsitletav praktilise õppevormi suund, milles vaadeldi erinevate looduskoosluste, maastiku ning ka seadusandluste määratluste kasutuse võimalikkust väliõppe temaatikast lähtuvalt ning võimalusi selle viimisest lasteni ja seda just lastele huvitavaks ning arusaadavaks tegemist esile tõstes. Tutvuti lihtsamate praktiliste lahenduste ja vaatlusvormidega, mida on võimalik kasutada väliõppe käigus. Hilisema korraldatud küsitluse tagasiside oli äärmiselt positiivne ning paljus mainiti Kumari Reisid OÜ spetsialistide väga head kompetentsust ning huvitavat praktilist lähenemist õuesõppe temaatikas käsitletavale.

Piltide reas saab ka visuaalse, küll osalise, ülevaate tegevustest, mis toimusid õppereisi kestusel. Õppereisi raames õpitut kasutavad lasteaiaõpetajad juba igapäevaselt lasteaias õuesõppe tundides ning ollakse veendunud, et selliste õppereiside vajadus on tegelikkuses suurem ja seda nii õpetajatele, kui ka lastele. Loe edasi ja vaata pilte siit

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nature- and bird magazine journalists visited Estonia

Estonian Nature Tours (ENT) and NGO Läänemaa Tourism were joined by travel agency representatives and leading European bird- and nature magazines journalists for an invitational visit to Estonia.

Journalists from Great Britain (Bird Watching), Netherlands (Grasduinen), Sweden(Sveriges Natur) and Finland (Suomen Luonto ja Finlands Nature) as well as travel agency representatives from Great Britan and Belgium participated in the 6-day tour.

The introductory tour covered bird migration observation of West Estonia, Hiiumaa and Pärnu county. It also included experiencing the attractiveness and quality of the travel package „Estonia in Autumn“. The tour was a success. Despite the rainy and windy weather, over 140 different bird species were spotted. The tour also observed mammals such as moose, deer, fox, pine marten, raccoon dog and even ringed seal.

Participants of the tour were pleasantly surprised of the well kept and quality hiking trails, walk paths, bird observation towers and accomodation establishments. Estonian cooking was highly praised along with the professionalism of the bird guide- and planning service. Descriptions of this positive tour experience will be appearing in different magazines in the coming months. Estonia as an attrative bird- and nature tourism country will be showcased to over a million nature enthusiast around Europe.

Photos of the tour are here

Birdlist is here

Participants' comments are here

Listen to CEO Marika Mann's interview about the tour to Radio Kadi here

Read the news about the tour in Hiiu Nädal here

Paul McCartney- Hope of Deliverance alias Hot delivery :))

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Linnu- ja loodusajakirjanikud külastasid Eestit!

Estonian Nature Toursi (ENT) ja Läänemaa Turism MTÜ kutsel külastasid Eestit taas Euroopa juhtivate linnu- ja loodusajakirjade ajakirjanikud ning reisibüroode esindajad.

Reisil osalesid ajakirjanikud Suurbritanniast (Bird Watching), Hollandist (Grasduinen), Rootsist (Sveriges Natur) ja Soomest (Suomen Luonto ja Finlands Natur) ning reisibüroode esindajad Suurbritanniast ja Belgiast.

6-päevase tutvumisreisi raames vaadeldi lindude rännet Lääne-, Hiiu- ja Pärnumaal. Ühtlasi testiti ka reisipaketi Estonia in Autumn kvaliteeti ning atraktiivsust. Reis osutus väga edukaks. Vaatamata vihmasele ja tuulisele ilmale nähti 140 erinevat linnuliiki ning sekka ka imetajaid nagu põder, metskits, rebane, kährikkoer, metsnugis ja viigerhüljes.

Tutvumisreisil osalejad olid meeldivalt üllatunud ka teede, matkaradade, linnutornide ja majutusasutuste heast tasemest. Väga kiideti Eesti toitu, aga ka professionaalset linnugiidi- ja korraldusteenust. Positiivse sõnumiga reisikirjeldused ilmuvad erinevates ajakirjades järgneva nelja kuu jooksul. Eestist kui atraktiivsest linnu- ja loodusturismimaast saab lugeda kokku ligemale miljon loodushuvilist Euroopas.

Pilte näed siit: http://on.fb.me/c0iCZc

Linnulistiga tutvu siin: http://bit.ly/b0Hwxf

Ajakirjanike kommentaare loe siin: http://bit.ly/chsN58

Intervjuud Kadi Raadiole kuula siit: http://bit.ly/aT4MkA

Uudist Hiiumaa Nädalas loe siit: http://bit.ly/dkhwF7

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Promotional birdwatching tour "Estonia in Autumn" comments

" This six-day promotional tour in West-Estonia (18-23 September) was an eye-opener for me. Unless I visited some places in northern Europe before, I saw four new birdspecies, including white-backed woodpecker which competed my European woodpecker-list! And I will never forget the beautiful evening at Matsalu Bay, with 6.000 cranes coming in, some parties dancing on the ground, black grouse in front, a hovering great grey shrike on the left, and some moose with there youngs coming out of the forest in the back. And this was only the first day… " Paul Böhre, editor of Grasduinen Nature Magazine, Holland / FAM trip September 2010

" Thank you all for making our Estonian such a nice one. Here are some of my pictures, taken on our seal safari, on the outermost tip of Hiiumaa (the lighthouse of Ristna + brent geese) and the surroundings of Lepanina hotel (sanderling and the Hornets, which had their nest in the trunk of a pine just outside the entrance of the hotel). " Magnus Östman, Finlands Natur, Finland / FAM trip September 2010

" It is good to discover a country in full bloom, looking toward the future, and respecting nature. The days we spend in Estonia will stay forever in my mind. Birds contrasting in wonderful skies, like thousands of cranes, white-tailed eagles, thousands of ducks, sparrowhawks, and in the same trip the corncrake and the snowbunting, the nightjar and the black guillemot...this is unforgettable. Mammals are also very attracting in Estonia, and will definitely call me back to this country. But the people will most of all stay in my mind, with a real sense of welcome, the will of developping the country with taste, and to welcome the hosts with wonderful food..." P. L., Belgia / FAM trip September 2010

" I took part of a promotional tour organized by Estonian Nature Tours in September 2010. The arrangements were excellent and the guide was very well-informed. I recommend this organizer warmly." Juha Honkonen, the managing editor of Suomen Luonto magazine / FAM trip September 2010

" This was my third time to Estonia, and first with Estonian Nature tours, on a 6 day promotional tour to the Western side of the country. I was impressed by how well-organised the programme was, a real full on trip, with excellent accommodation and food.

Marika did a wonderful job in organising & putting together the programme, and Tarvo was an excellent bird guide. Highlights - 6000 honking cranes coming to land in a meadow field, with Elk and young running across the field, an animal I thought was mythical as it as taken me over 10 years to actually see one!

I never realised that Great Grey Shrikes could hover, that is what you call a Groovy groover! But what I will remember is the amazing autumn colours of the forests, and mires, as well asstanding in the middle of a Taiga, the full moon shining over the meadow as the mist hung low, listening for Wolf, Owl or Elk - very mystical. Unfortunately, it does mean I will have to come back in Spring to see Brown Bear. What a shame!" Amanda da Rocha, Greentours Wildlife Guide, UK / FAM trip September 2010

" Just wanted to say a big thank you for inviting me on the promotional tour, and to Tarvo for all his guiding skills and enthusiasm. I really do appreciate being able to come and see Estonia, and I very much enjoyed our little group. I am already looking forward to coming back in May or June - peak mammal-watching time - to visit the bear hide, see the flying squirrel and beavers, as well as getting better views of the other mammals". H.F. / FAM trip September 2010

" Beautiful stormwaves of Ristna! The many old manor houses of German origin and their surrounding parks are just charming – and rich in birds!Never seen so many cranes flying across the evening sky as we did at Matsalu bay! Very nice meeting with a juvenile sanderling resting on the beach of the Gulf of Riga near Lepanina hotel. Well arranged accomodation and excellent food!" Magnus Östman, Finlands Natur magazine / FAM trip September 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Last morning..

...of the birdwatching trip "Estonia in autumn" at Pärnu area was extremely successful. Chilly and sunny morning in the forests offered us many suprises. The biggest one in all ways was stunning views
of Eagle Owl. All group members had chance to observe the biggest Owl of
the Europe for 10 minutes through the scope. In the same spot we heard
Hazel Hen - a possible breakfeast for the Eagle Owl. The activity of
Woodpeckers in the same spot can be compared with the best spring
mornings. In one spot we had chance to get 6 Woodpecker species -
including 3 Black, 2 Grey-headed, several Lesser Spotted, White-backed
and Three-toad Woodpecker. After 6 days birding in Estonia we have more
than 140 species in our trip list.

Tarvo Valker