Despite Finland’s reputation for birding, many birdwatchers from this country prefer to spend a weekend in Estonia, in Matsalu National Park, to observe the migration of birds every May and September. There is something very exciting about watching migration in action, as huge numbers of birds pass through this area, from small passerines through to waders and wildfowl and large birds like raptors, cranes and storks. The enormous passage of migrants makes this area very special - why else would Matsalu have been chosen to appear among the top 30 migration locations in the world?
For the first time, we have on offer a fantastic 5-day holiday to this fantastic birdwatching area renown for both migration watching and a fabulous selection of breeding birds.
Wed 18th May – Sun 22nd May / Tour leader: Kaarel Võhandu
Group size: 6/7 pax
Price: 855 € pp.
There are only five places still available - so please make your booking soon.
Tour itinerary..
Perhaps Estonia’s prime site for birding the list of possible species you can see is impressive - Lesser Spotted and White-tailed Eagles, Black Stork, White-backed, Three-toed and Grey-headed Woodpeckers, Corncrake, Capercaillie, Black and Hazel Grouse. Passage migrants include a great selection of wildfowl and waders - look out for breeding plumage Ruff and Spotted Redshank that look simply stunning. Savi’s Warblers sing from reedbeds hunted by Marsh and Hen Harriers, Bitterns boom and Bearded and Penduline Tits breed. Huge flocks of geese pass through along with Common Cranes, storks and so much more.
Our base for the holiday is the delightful Tuulingu guesthouse, which stands barely 30 metres from the coast. This rebuilt old farmhouse, has front windows and the cafe terrace facing the shallow sea and the flat muddy coast, where you can sip coffee as you watch the swarming birds. Passage birds may be moving through the scrub and trees beside the guesthouse and you may not want to leave for our days out in the nearby forested areas, reedbeds and wet meadows. To get an even better panorama you have only to walk 15 metres and climb up the watching tower and almost the whole of Matsalu Bay is literally at your feet.
Tuulingu Guesthouse / Photo: ENT |
With woodlands and 3,000 hectares of reedbeds, plus the shallow, brackish, nutrient-rich waters of the Matsalu Bay which has a 165-kilometre coastline. It is not surprising that avian diversity is unequalled in northern Europe in spring and autumn. Over 170 species breed here – and it is easy to see why the north European day-list record of 194 was set in this region in May 2007.