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Thursday, May 7, 2015


Birding towers event

In connection with international migratory birds day on the 9th of May Estonian Ornithological Society calls each and every bird-lover or afficionado to the watchtower event. All over Estonia there will be tutors waiting in towers to instruct newbies and supervise all other participants. As buzzards are birds of the year, more attention will be paid to birds of prey. Species’ checklist will be fulfilled in each tower and the most species rich tower will be found out.
to find out the locations of watchtowers, visiting hours etc. The map will be updated during the event.
No prior registration is needed. It is possible to watch birds and keep the checklists on everybody’s own. On that occasion it is of utmost importance to send the results to Thea Perm (the coordinator) on Saturday at 17 as the latest. E-mail address: Thea@tallinna-linnuklubi.ee
It is necessary to fix the location, time, species list, watchers’ names or number and contact phone nr. 

The Cornell Lab Of Ornithology - counting most of the birds in one day!

This Saturday, May 9, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology will be embarking on a new kind of Big Day, and we hope you'll come with them. Their birding team will spend 24 hours birding in Panama, the crossroads of the Americas. But they need your help to reach their twin goals of recording 4,000 of the world's species in a single day and raising $500,000 for conservation. No matter where you live, you can help our cause. http://cornell.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b35ddb671faf4a16c0ce32406&id=7c1288f3bf&e=f5ff587455

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