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Monday, September 29, 2014

"Oasis"- the largest travel and nature magazine of Italy- published an article about Estonian wildlife

At the invitation of Estonian Nature Tours two journalists from Italy were visiting Estonia in the beginning of June.
In early September, the latest copy of "Oasis"- the largest travel and nature magazine of Italy- published an 12-page article about Estonian wildlife.

Click on the picture to read the text or read the article here...

We were offered the opportunity to advertize our own travel calendar 2015 as ex gratia for cordial welcome and pleasant cooperation.

Itaalia suurimas reisi- ja loodusajakirjas Oasis ilmus artikkel Eesti loodusest

Estonian Nature Tours´i kutsel viibisid juunikuu alguses Eestis ajakirjanikud Itaaliast. Septembri alguses  ilmus 12-leheküljeline rohke pildimaterjaliga artikkel Itaalia suurimas reisi- ja loodusajakirjas Oasis.

Kliki pildil, et lugeda teksti või loe artiklit siit...


Tänutäheks lahke vastuvõtu ja meeldiva koostöö eest anti meile võimalus reklaamida ka enda reisikalendrit aastal 2015.

Friday, September 26, 2014

ENT bird guide Tarvo Valker participated in the Batumi Bird Festival

From 15 to 21 September a Bird Festival took place in Batumi (Georgia), where Estonia was reperesented by a birding expert Tarvo Valker. Tarvo stood up with two presentations:  „Spithami - a major flyway for the arctic waterfowls“ and „Nature conservation in Estonia“.

It was already fourth time of this birdwatching event to take place. Batumi is located at the Black Sea coast, which is a major bottleneck for several million birds on their journey from breeding grounds to wintering areas. The aim of this event was to promote this birding area for wider public and encourage more birders to visit that unique hotspot.

Besides Estonia experts from Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaidjan were invited. Several field trips were made together with local stakeholders - including visiting famous Batumi raptor watching point, opening new bird tower at Mtirala National Park and visiting several other nature conservation areas. In the evening the conference was held where experts from abroad shared their excperience in birdwatching and nature conservation work.

It was corporately confirmed by the participants, that Batumi has a huge potential in birdwatching and ecotourism. The main problems are lack of local birders and also massive hunting, including on many endangered bird species. Certainly Batumi Bird Fest will take place also in next autumn.

See also a gallery of Batumi Raptor Count Autumn 2014

Migrating Black Storks / Tarvo Valker

There are still many falconers in Georgia / Tarvo Valker

Over one million raptors pass through Batumi every autumn / Tarvo Valker

Tarvo Valker is on the left side

Tarvo Valker is on the left side

Tarvo Valker is on the left side

Thursday, September 25, 2014

ENT linnugiid Tarvo Valker osales Batumi Linnufestivalil

15.-21.septembril toimus Batumis (Gruusia) linnufestival, kus Eestit esindas eksperdina ENT giid Tarvo Valker. Tarvo tegi festivali ajal kaks ettekannet: „Spithami - a major flyway for the arctic waterfowls“ ja „Nature conservation in Estonia“.

Batumi linnufestivali peeti tänavu juba neljandat korda. Ürituse eesmärgiks on välisekspertide abiga juhtida tähelepanu Musta mere rannikul paiknevale tähtsale lindude rändekoridorile ja meelitada Gruusiasse enam linnuturiste. Üritust olid kajastamas ka mitmed kohalikud telekanalid.

Üritusel osalesid lisaks Eestile veel väliseksperdid Valgevenest, Armeeniast ja Aserdaidžaanist. Päeval külastati üheskoos kohalikega kuulsat röövlindude vaatluspunkti, avati uus linnuvaatlustorn Mtirala rahvuspargis ning toimusid ekskursioonid erinevatele kaitsealadele. Õhtuti peeti konverentsi, kus väliseksperid rääkisid enda riigi loodusest ja loodushoiust.

Üheskoos tõdeti, et Batumi piirkonnal on väga suur potentsiaal linnu-ja ökoturismi arendamiseks. Peamisteks kitsaskohtadeks on kohalike linnuvaatlejate vähesus ning aktiivne linnujaht, mille käigus tapetakse ka mitmeid ohustatuid linnuliike. Kindlasti peetakse Batumi linnufestivali ka tuleval aastal.

Vaata ka Batumi Raptor Count Autumn 2014 galeriid...

 Rändavad must-toonekured / Tarvo Valker
 Jahikullide pidamine on Gruusias jätkuvalt väga levinud / Tarvo Valker

Batumist möödub igal sügisel miljon röövlindu / Tarvo Valker

Tarvo Valker on vasakul

Tarvo Valker on vasakul

Tarvo Valker on vasakul

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Winners of the Questionnaire in British Birdfair 2014

For the third time Estonian Nature Tours offered a possibility to win a dream wildlife holiday to Estonia in British Birdfair 2014 and on our webpage as well. Estonian Nature Tours wishes to thank everyone who completed our questionnaire and took part in the prize draw.
All together our questionnaire was filled in by 38 people, 19 of them gave right answers to all the questions and therefore gained the right to participate in our drawing. The second question was most difficult.

We are delighted to announce the winners:

Grand Prize: Wildlife holiday - Birds and Bears. Price 955 € - Mrs A. Durn

This year something extraordinary happened at drawing the lots. We decided with colleagues that I shall be the first to draw the grand prize among the correct questionnaire answers. I wanted to do it quickly, but my colleagues said: “No-no, do not rush! Try to focus, so that the person who really wants the prize will get it.” I was trying to concentrate in my own way and...
... pulled out the form, that was completed by last year's grand prize winner!!! Unfortunately she could not use her prize last year, but now she’s given the second chance :)

Congratulations, Andrea!

Marika Mann
On behalf of Estonian Nature Tours team

Lot 1: Brown Bear tracking and watching. Price 115 € - Mrs C. Ballinger
Lot 2: Flying Squirrel Study trip. Price 100 € - Mrs R. Obrien
Lot 3: Beaver boat-trip. Price 85 € - Mr C. Martenson

Congratulations to everyone!

Click here to see Brown Bear watching video...

 Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) / Sven Zacek

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) / Neil Aldridge

 Flying Squirrel (Pteromys volans)  / Rainar Kurbel

 Beaver (Castor) / Remo Savisaar'

We asked all nature lovers to read carefully our homepage www.naturetours.ee or read up on the brochure "ESTONIA – the heart of European wildlife" You have now excellent opportunity to get acquainted to Estonia’s nature.