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Thursday, May 8, 2014


The guide of Estonian Nature Tours White-tailed Eagle Photography trip, Luke Massey was on a mission to raise awareness about the mass slaughter of migrant birds on Malta. Chris Packham together with Luke Massey and two more colleagues with the support of Birdlife Malta made video diaries between YouTube 21-26 April.

To read more about this mission and look videos click to the Chris Packham homepage. Share it to your friends also.

We are very proud of you, Luke– great job!
Chris, Ruth, Jez and Luke: „We are especially grateful to all those who took the trouble to write to their Members of the European Parliament and/or gave so generously to the BirdLife Malta Indegogo fundraising initiative allowing us to surpass their target of 50K Euros. Thank you. Very, very much.“


If you haven’t yet acted . . . please do. It’s only with your help that we can make a difference. It takes just a few minutes to do the MEP thing and to donate whatever you can afford.

Write to your MEP here...  
Donate here...  

Each spring, thousands of migrating birds are shot by hunters in Malta. It's the only country in the EU where this is allowed to happen.
Malta lies 100 kilometres south of Sicily and is a popular destination for sun-seeking British holiday-makers and is steeped in interesting cultural and natural history. It also lies on the Central Mediterranean Flyway one of three migration superhighways between Europe and Africa. Millions of birds migrate along this route every year and the Maltese Islands are an important resting place for birds making the long flight across the Mediterranean - the final barrier before they reach mainland Europe. Malta has the highest density of hunters anywhere in Europe, with approximately 80 licenced hunters per square kilometre of huntable land estimated this spring. Hunting of this intensity is not seen anywhere else in Europe, probably the world and predictably has a devastating impact on the birds hunted.

Luke Massey has visited Estonia four times and would like to come back as soon as he can. See the Luke´s gallery about Estonia...

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