Migratory birds continue to arrive even in this seemingly cold windy spring. It's always big fun and hard work to go out and spot the newcomers.
April is the month of Easter birdwatching event and quick changes in species lists.
In April 4-5 over 400 people were counting birds and as a result 200 species lists were compiled. More than 140 000 birds from 150 species were recorded. These days there was really active geese migration taking place and consequently more than 50% of counted birds were geese. In addition to that more numerous species were Chaffinch, Common and Black-headed Gull and Black Cormorant. Many birdwatchers were lucky to spot their first Pied Wagtail, Robin, Redwing, Songthrush, Wheatear, Osprey or Black Stork of this year.
The rarest record of these days was a Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) among other geese near Räpina polder. Natural origin of this species may be doubtful though.
Another spotted rarity was Arctic Skua, confessedly never migrating through Estonia so early in spring.
Other notable occasions during Easter birdwatching were migrating cormorants, lekking Black Grouse and a Pygmy Owl on a feeding table, not to speak about a fishing otter.