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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Autumn is here...

Photo: Tuuli Mann

I spent my weekend watching birds together with 3-years-old Anette. Saturday afternoon in Rannajõe watchtower was the real “bullseye”. We had our picnic-basket with us and we also asked Laura, the girl next door, to join us.

There were White-tailed Eagles sitting on hay rolls and Black Grouse was lekking in high grass. Hundreds and thousands of Cranes were gathering from the fields. They flew over our heads and landed on the flood-plain meadow. Laura said that even she hadn’t seen so many of them before!

Pretty soon kids got tired of this mess and started playing hide and seek. What a nice idea – not many kids have played hide and seek with such a whooping soundtrak. When we were leaving they still continued to gather, all together there could be more than 6000 birds eventually.

In the Sunday morning dozens of Barnacle Geese flocks were flying straight over my house. While the flight was almost nonstop, Anette and me decided to drive to the bay to find out, where they had landed. It was a good idea – there were more than 5000 birds in Keemu coastal meadows. The weather was warm, so I opened Anette’s window and she could stare at them with a binocular and with a naked eye. We also climbed up the tower and watched the cattle. Driving back I switched on music and Anette played drum in her safety seat with some sticks ...

In the Monday morning I had my morning coffee in the backyard watching a White-Backed Woodpecker who was bustling about on a dry branch of the giant poplar about twenty meters away. It was a crisp morning, barnacle geese were hurrying off above my head and gossamers were glittering on the clumps of late flowers. What a splendid moment before the beginning of the upcoming busy week!

Autumn has arrived at last ... Most of the cranes started off to South on Sunday.

Text: Marika Mann, executive manager, 19Sept

Sügis on nüüd kohale jõudnud...

Käisin nädalavahetusel 3-aastase Anettega linde vaatlemas. Laupäeva õhtupoolik Rannajõe tornis oli „kümnesse“. Võtsime piknikukorvi ühes ja kutsusime naabritüdruku Laura ka kaasa. Merikotkad passisid heinapallide otsas ja tedred mängisid kõrge rohu sees. Sajad ja tuhanded sookured lendasid põldudelt üle pea ja laskusid luhaniidule maha. Laura ütles, et isegi tema pole enne nii palju neid korraga näinud! Lapsed tüdinesid varsti mäsust ära ja hakkasid peitust mängima. Tore mõte oli see neil – sookurgede kruuglemise taustamuusikaga ei ole just väga paljud lapsed peitust mänginud :) Meist jäi neid sinna veel ja veel kogunema, kokku võis luhale maha tulla ligemale 6000+ sookurge.

Pühapäeva hommikul lendas üle kodukatuse kümneid valgepõsk-laglede parvesid. Ülelend kestis ja kestis ja me otsustasime Anettega sõita lahe äärde vaatama, kuhu nad maandusid. Mõte oli õige – Keemu rannas oli neid maas rohkem kui 5000. Ilm oli soe, keerasin Anettele akna lõpuni lahti, ta sai uudistada neid nii palja silmaga kui binokli abiga. Ronisime torni ka ja uurisime lehmasid. Tagasitulles panin muusika mängima ja Anette lõi lõbusasti oma turvatoolis puupulkadega trummi...

Esmaspäeval jõin hommikukohvi õues ja valgeselg-kirjurähn toimetas taas minust mõnekümne meetri kaugusel hiigelpapli kuivanud oksaharul. Oli karge hommik, lagleparved lendasid üle pea, ämblike härmalõngad helkisid hiliste lillepõõsaste küljes. Milline kaunis hetk enne töise nädala algust!

Sügis on nüüd kohale jõudnud... Suurem osa sookurgesid alustas teekonda lõuna suunas pühapäeval.

Tekst: Marika Mann, tegevjuht, 19 sept

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