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European Beaver. Photo: Tarvo Valker |
organizer: Estonian Nature Tours
leader: Tarvo Valker
Day 1
Paul, Yasuko and Helen arrived to Tallinn late in the morning. After
a quick snack at the airport we headed for the short birding in the
northern part of Tallinn. Small nature reserve with nice hiking trail
and watching tower produced us several good sightings. As we came out
from the minivan, the first mammal of this trip was spotted – Red
Fox was walking along the track.
Birds from the tower included a pair of summer plumage Red-necked
Grebes, Penduline Tit carrying nesting material, booming Bittern,
Bearded Reedling and many others. Soon Tarvo heard the song of a
Bluethroat. We had very brief view of the adult male in the dense
After an hour and a half birding it was time to pick up Connie from
the airport. Now we headed out from Tallinn to reach northwestern
Estonia. Our first birding stop was made in Vihterpalu area. Nice
pine forests, surrounded by former forest fire was a place to see
some gamebirds and raptors. Despite the fact that we were here in
early afternoon, we managed to see Black Grouse hen. The bird took
off near the track and perched on a nearby tree.
Second stop was made in Dirhami harbor where we hoped to see some
Grey Seals. Fishing ships were around and that was a good sign. It
took us less than a few minutes to spot the first Grey Seals. There
was at least 3 individuals around the deck and we managed to
photograph them. On a way back Tarvo spotted a tame gull roosting on
a deck. It turned to be a Kittiwake – a very uncommon bird to find
in Estonia in spring! The bird had few dark feathers on the back of
the head, pointing that this individual was a 3cy bird.
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Kittiwake. Photo: Tarvo Valker |
Now it was time to settle down in Roosta. We checked in, had a nice
dinner and very needed sleep for the next morning's early start.
Day 2
Early morning mammal tracking wasn't any big success first. After one
hour or so, we managed to see the first female Capercaillie. Quite
soon we had another female and later also one male.
We also visited Black Grouse lek, where we had about 23 males. Other
birds here included Montagu's Harrier, 2 Rough-legged Buzzards,
Cranes, few Black-tailed Godwits and Golden Plovers. A really superb
field near the bog.
Before late breakfast we managed to find also 2 Red Squirrels. They
ran across the road and then climbed around the pine trees.
Lunch time was fulfilled with a photography session of very tame
Slavonian Grebes. At least 9 summer plumage birds were on a small
lake. One pair was building a nest fairly close to the walking track.
We continued our birding at Rannajõe watching tower. Big floodplain
is a great place to pick up some raptors. We had here White-tailed
Eagle and migrating Peregrine Falcon. After that we checked some
places for Ortolan Bunting, who is really rapidly declining farmland
bird in the whole Europe, including Estonia. One distant bird was
heard several times, but no visual sighting unfortunately. Still we
managed to see another declining farmland bird species – a pair of
Grey Partridges.
The weather for the boat trip - calm and sunny evening - was
absolutely superb. First hour was birding time and we had really good
visual sightings of several Savi's Reed Warblers. Few Ruffs, many
Black Terns, several White-tailed Eagles and Marsh Harriers.
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European Beaver. Photo: Tarvo Valker |
Nice picnic in the boat and we started to check places for the
Beavers. At first we spotted 2 American Minks in a reedbed, then two
Elks. And then finally first sightings of the Beavers. Most of them
were swimming in the river, but some also feeding on the riverbank.
At least seven Beavers were seen during the few hours boat trip.
Day 3
We started our morning at cape Põõsaspea – the best place in the
whole Europe to see arctic waterfowl migration. Although autumn here
is far more spectacular, our bird list increased rapidly. We had
several small flocks of Black and Red-throated Divers, Long-tailed
Ducks, Velvet and Common Scoters, Red-breasted Mergansers and Common
It was also worth to check the coastal meadow because the narrow
peninsula is always a place where birds have some downfalls. Birding
at the meadow produced us real quality. Within few minutes we found
the first Bluethroat. In total we managed to see 3 adult males and 1
female-coloured bird. Other birds in the bushes included good views
of the Icterine Warbler and few brief sightings of the Red-breasted
Flycatcher. As we walked back, a Short-eared Owl passed overhead.
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Male Bluethroat. Photo: Tarvo Valker |
Before lunch we explored the northern part of Matsalu National Park.
Coastal meadow at Puise peninsula had large number of passing
migrants. A flock of 3,500 Barnacle Geese, few Temminck's Stints,
Avocets and loads of Ringed Plovers.
After lunch we had long drive to South-East Estonia. With few resting
stops it took us roughly four hours to get there. The birding
highlight of this drive was certainly the Lesser Spotted Eagle,
perched on a telegraph pole near the main road.
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Lesser Spotted Eagle. Photo: Tarvo Valker |
Day 4
We started
our morning at 5.30 a.m. Barrie arrived last night and joined our
group. The morning was cloudy and rather could. We walked around
Järvselja forests.
Bird activity was fairly low in the first hours, because of the low
temperatures. After some walk, Tarvo heard loud tapping. Soon he
picked up a male White-backed Woodpecker feeding on an old tree
stump. Old mixed forests with mature spruces and aspens had also good
density of Red-breasted Flycatcher. Their song was heard in several
places. As we arrived to our minivan, it was time for a
forest-breakfeast. Our meal was delayed by a Nutcracker. The bird
perched on a tall pine just near the track for several minutes. At
the same time loud drumming was heard – pointing to the presence of
a Black Woodpecker.
After some snacks, we explored the deciduous park in the same
village. The small park delivered nesting Fieldfares, a singing
Icterine Warbler and a calling Wryneck.
Before the early lunch, we made some birding near the Russian border
– Mehikoorma. Small village near the big lake was a good place for
several passerines and raptors. Before reaching Mehikoorma, we had
30 Little Gulls on a ploughed field accompanied by several hundred
White-fronted Geese.
Mehikoorma had singing Thrush Nightingale, Red-breasted Flycatcher,
several Pied Flycatchers and two male Serins. Soon we noticed
White-tailed Eagle soaring high in the sky. Barrie soon discovered an
Osprey near the White-Tailed Eagle and it was really nice to realize
the size difference of those two raptors.
Another nice lunch at Mooste vodka factory (this time without vodka)
and few hours of sleep. Afternoon birding took place at Aardla
wetlands. The polder area near Tartu is a real birding paradise.
Loads of Black Terns were feeding on a lake. At least 2 White-winged
Terns were spotted amongst them.
Our success continued with finding some Bluethroats – at least 3
birds were seen during 2,5 hours birding. We also had good scope
views of several male Citrine Wagtails – one of the main target
birds we come for.
Before the dinner we had a little walk around Tartu old town.
University city had really interesting old buildings and our dinner
was just next door to Tartu University main building.
After the meal we drove to Kärevere. It is the most well-known place
to see lekking Great Snipes. Although the grass was fairly high
already, we managed to see at least 4 lekking indviduals. We saw also
a Hobby hunting on a meadow.
Day 5
Morning birding at Laeva polder. At least 800 Ruff, most of them
males in summer plumage. It was real privilege to observe adult
Peregrine Falcon hunting the dense flock of Ruffs from the air. About
10 minutes long chase didn't provide any food for the Peregrine.
Wetland also had a pair of Hobbies and few Marsh Harriers. Waders
beside Ruffs included mainly Wood Sandpipers and Greenshanks.
After short birding we drove to North-East Estonia, to the next place
to see forest birds and mammals of course. First night we spent in
the Bear hide.
Brown Bear hide provides sightings of Brown Bears almost every night
in spring and early summer. Unfortunately Estonian army had their
biggest field training maneuvers of the whole history. Over 10,000
soldiers were out in the field and some of them too close to the
brown bear hide. Consequently we didn't see any bears and disturbance
was obvious. Still we had at least 3 Raccoon Dogs coming to feed.
Also 2 Red Foxes were seen. More elusive Brown Bears kept away.
Day 6
We left the hide early because it was clear that chances to see the
Brown Bear close to military training would have been too big piece
of luck. So we had drive to other forest tracks. That produced us
good sighting of 3 Mountain Hares running around our van.
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Mountain Hares. Photo: Tarvo Valker |
After the late breakfast and some sleep we headed out again for some
forest birding. Birding in the old forest was really promising,
concerning Woodpeckers. Quite soon Tarvo heard soft tick, which could
be most probably White-backed Woodpecker. After small effort we had
brief views of the male and female White-backed Woodpecker. They kept
coming in the same area, so probably the nest was rather close to the
main road. We also managed to see a Three-toed Woodpecker feeding on
a dead spruce, just few steps from the road. It was nice to see the
most elusive woodpecker of Europe.
After the dinner our session was devoted to mammals. First mammal was
a long distant mystery. The small-sized mammal running along the
track and then disappeared to the ditch, was most probably another
American mink. During next hour we had many Roe Deers and also a
female Black Grouse near the track.
More excitement was added when dusk arrived. First, Ural Owl flew
across the road. Unfortunately only 2 participants and the tour
leader managed to see this spectacular owl, before it disappeared
into the woods.
Soon we had Raccoon Dog at the roadside in car lights. We watched
this cute little mammal for several minutes.
Day 7
Short night and then out again. Morning was unfortunately very quiet
mammal wise. We had few Mountain Hares and Roe Deers. We also had two
Black Woodpeckers. Probably the most exciting bird was a male Hen
Harrier, hunting on a nice field. The bird which you see nowadays
less and less.
Afternoon we met with Uudo, the man who is the top specialist of
Siberian Flying Squirrels. He has studied those endangered mammals
around 30 years and it was a real privilege to get part of his nature
conservation work. We visited Flying Squirrel habitats and also saw
evidence of those nocturnal mammals. Small pellets under the aspen
trees was a clear sign that there are still some Siberian Flying
Squirrels around.
Uudo told us that one radio collar had stopped working, so our
evening mission was to catch that individual to replace the battery.
We put up traps and then stayed away.
Meanwhile we visited high watching tower, enjoyed sunset with some
flocks of migrating geese in the sky.
Although we had previous evidence what holes are most often used by
the Flying Squirrels, we didn't have any success to catch that cute
fellow. But that's the reality of nature watching.
Day 8
As the flight was fairly early, we had to take straight drive to
Tallinn. Last bird we had in our bird list, was another excitment for
our leader, Tarvo. One Black Kite was soaring just above the highway
and we made brief stop to make some photos. Our trip ended with 166
species of birds and 11 species of mammals.
List of
Mute Swan
Tundra Bean Goose – 500+ on 8.5 at Harju-Risti fields, few at Aardla polder on 11.5
White-fronted Goose – thousands
Barnacle Goose - 3500+ at Matsalu NP on 10.5
Greylag Goose
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup – small numbers at cape Põõsaspea on 10.5
Common Eider
Long-tailed Duck – 50+ at cape Põõsaspea on 10.5
Common Scoter
Velvet Scoter
Red-breasted Merganser
Black Grouse – 1 F on 8.5 at Vihterpalu, 25 M 2 F on 9.5 in northwest, 1 F in northeast on 13.5, 1F 1 M in northeast on 14.5
Capercaillie – 1 M and 2 F at Nõva forests on 9.5
Grey Partridge – 2 ind. at Martna fields on 9.05
Red-throated Diver – small numbers at Cape Põõsaspea on 10.5
Black-throated Diver – small numbers at Cape Põõsaspea on 10.5
Great Crested Grebe
Red-necked Grebe – 2 at Paljassaare on 8.5, 4 at Aardla on 11.5
Slavonian Grebe – 9 at Haapsalu on 9.5
Bittern – heard only
Great White Egret – 2 at Kärevere on 11.5
Grey Heron
White Stork
Honey Buzzard – 1 ind seen only by Paul
Black Kite – 1 en route to Tallinn on 15.5
White-tailed Eagle – seen on 3 days including at least 6 individuals
Marsh Harrier
Montagus Harrier – seen on 4 days
Hen Harrier – one adult male at Oonurme on 14.5
Common Buzzard
Rough-legged Buzzard – 2 at Variku fields on 9.5
Lesser Spotted Eagle – 1 near Viljandi on 10.5
Golden Eagle – 1 at Variku fields on 9.5
Osprey – 1 at Mehikoorma on 11.5
Hobby – seen on 5 days
Peregrine Falcon – 1 at Rannajõe tower on 9.5, 1 at Laeva polder on 12.5
Water Rail – heard only
Corncrake – heard only
Moorhen – heard only
Avocet – 9 at Puise peninsula on 10.5
Ringed Plover
Golden Plover
Temminkcs Stint – 6 at Puise peninsula on 10.5
Ruff – seen on 5 days. 800+ at Laeva polder on 12.5
Common Snipe
Great Snipe – 4 lekking males at Kärevere on 11.5
Black-tailed Godwit
Spotted Redshank
Green Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Little Gull
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Herring Gull
Kittiwake – 1 cy bird at Dirhami harbour on 8.5
Common Tern
Arctic Tern
Black Tern
White-winged Tern – 2 at Aardla wetland on 11.5
Feral Pigeon
Stock Dove
Wood Pigeon
Ural Owl – brief views of one bird in car headlights at Alutaguse on 13.5. Seen only by tour leader and 2 participants
Short-eared Owl – 1 at Spithami on 10.5
Black Woodpecker – one drumming at Järvselja on 11.5, 2 birds seen at Alutaguse on 14.5
Great Spotted Woodpecker
White-backed Woodpecker – 1 male at Järvselja on 11.5, male and female at Alutaguse on 13.5
Three-toed Woodpecker – 1 male at Alutaguse on 13.5
Wood Lark – heard only
Sand Martin
Barn Swallow
House Martin
Tree Pipit
Meadow Pipit
Red-throated Pipit – heard only at cape Põõsaspea on 10.5
Yellow Wagtail
Citrine Wagtail – 2-3 males at Aardla on 11.5, 1 male at Laeva polder on 12.5
White Wagtail
Waxwing – one at Spithami on 10.5
Thrush Nightingale – heard only
Bluethroat – 1 M at Paljassaare on 8.5, 3 M and 1 F at Spithami on 10.5, 2 M and 1 F at Aardla on 11.5
Black Redstart
Song Thrush
Mistle Thrush
Grasshopper Warbler – heard only
Savis Warbler – several seen during boat trip at Matsalu on 9.5
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler
Icterine Warbler
Lesser Whitethroat
Wood Warbler
Willow Warbler
Spotted Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Pied Flycatcher
Bearded Reedling – 1-2 at Paljassaare on 8.5
Marsh Tit
Coal Tit – heard only
Blue Tit
Crested Tit
Great Tit
Penduline Tit – 1 at Paljassaare on 8.5
Red-backed Shrike – 2 at Alutaguse on 13.5
Eurasian Jay
Nutcracker – 1 at Järvselja on 11.5
Hooded Crow
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Serin – 2 males at Mehikoorma on 11.5
Common Crossbill
Ortolan Bunting – heard only
Reed Bunting
List of
European Hare
Mountain Hare – 6 at Alutaguse on 13.5, 1 at Alutaguse on 14.5
Red Squirrel – 2 near Linnamäe on 9.5, 1 at Alutaguse on 12.5
European Beaver – 7 at Matsalu NP from the boat on 9.5
Red Fox
Raccoon Dog – 2 at Alutaguse on 12.5, 4 at Alutaguse on 13.5
Elk – 2 at Matsalu NP on 9.5
Roe Deer – the most common mammal
American Mink – 3 at Matsalu NP on 9.5
Grey Seal – 3 at Dirhami harbour on 8.5
Pine Marten – 1 at Järvselja on 11.5. Seen only by Paul and Yasuko